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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Take her to... exam A2... That should be empty. Keep her on oxygen, and try to keep her still." Mike handed her a radio. "Call me if she wakes." Mike hurried down a hallway.
  2. Mike dabs blood from her face gently, trying to see how bad the injuries are. The ambulance pulls into the ER, and Stick is wheeled inside.
  3. Rex laid her hand on his arm gently, then fell asleep herself.
  4. "I think so..." Mike turned to the driver, conversing in low tones for several moments, before turning back to Lily. "We're almost there." He took Stick's blood pressure.
  5. "Alright." She whispered, kissing his cheek then closing her eyes.
  6. "Sit there, and don't get in my way!" Mike hooks Stick up to the air tank, placing the mask over her nose, and turning it on.
  7. "Unconscious, rapid heartbeat, but strong pulse... shallow breathing... I'll put her on oxygen."
  8. She snuggled against him. "So am I."
  9. "Please, then, fill out this paperwork." Mike hands over a stack, then return's to taking Stick's vitals.
  10. "Sir, I'll ask again. Are you her legal guardian? Do you have the papers?"
  11. "What do you mean, 'technically'?"
  12. "Sit there and don't get in the way. Are you the guardian of this young lady?"
  13. Rex moved off his lap, and laid down, head on the pillow, and pulled a blanket over herself. "Get comfortable." She smiled sleepily at him.
  14. Mike turned to his companion. "I'll get vitals, if you try to clean up some of this blood, and give her pain meds right away."
  15. Rex smiled at him. "I'm tired to." She yawned. "Wanna lie down?"
  16. Rex sighed in contentment, happy to be held in his arms.
  17. Mike turns to the other paramedic. @ anyone who want to play this human
  18. Mike the medic (dontjudgemeplz) closed the door behind @RoyalBeeMage, pointing them to a bench on the wall.
  19. "Please hurry up!" He grumbles, waving at all of them.
  20. "Please, someone make a discission!" The paramedic exclaims.
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