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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex shrugged. "I'm used to it... I have a fairly large pain tolerance by now." She immediately, hardly thinking laid a hand on her forearm and appeared to zone out slightly.
  2. "Well, if I didn't have an injured hand, we wouldn't be here in the first place, would we." She said, smiling softly at him. How did I ever end up with someone so... amazing.
  3. "Yeah..." She was silent, thinking.
  4. "So?" She asked, looking up at him. @Lightweaver2
  5. "They will both heal." She said.
  6. Rex took his hand with her good one, lacing her fingers through his. "I could stay like this forever."
  7. YES! LETS GO! what's your favorite Asian dish? Or dessert, or beverage *is hungry now*
  8. Rex smiled, wiping her eyes. "I do know. And I love it."
  9. *high-fives* Yisssss all very good! what is the best pasta dish? South American food, or Asian food?
  10. "I love you." She whispered.
  11. Guys... I'ma be honest, I'm not doing very good...

    I'm being strangled/eaten alive by the stress-fairy... :( 

    I'm having a few relational issues and got my lil heart broke the other day...

    It's mostly my fault, and it only added to my trauma...

    I feel like crying, but the tears won't come.

    I want to scream, but I can't.

    I want to be held, but I'm alone.

    I'm shaking, I'm gonna melt down, I'm anxious because I'm starting a new partial school thing tomorrow, and, once again, I'm the new person... once again, I don't have friends there.

    I'm on the edge of panic.



    so, I'm an emotional wreck.


    Love you all.


    ~ Stick 


    ( @Part Of The Narrative, @Shardwatcher01

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Thank you.

      That means so much right now.

      *big group hug*


    3. Kajsa


      *so many hugs and love*

    4. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      *many, many hugs*

  12. "Okay, sorry, I forgot." She winced again, leaning her head against him again, shutting her eyes.
  13. Whoa! really?? That's cool! Favorite fruit? favorite song? fav music artist?
  15. Ewww... yeah definitely.. what do you think of... brussle sprouts?
  16. "Yes!" She nodded emphatically, wincing visibly as the movement sent a spike of pain through her skull. She put a hand to her head, blinking back tears. "Ow."
  17. Okay, so, if you aren't a music person, what kind of person are you?
  18. Why do you eat Parmesan cheese on your rice?
  19. hehehehe Favorite song right now? Favorite music artist right now?
  20. Ha! That's so cool! Second favorite fruit?
  21. Why lemon? That's the last answer I expected
  22. "I love you. You always just seem to know what I need from you." She whispered.
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