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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. True enough, but, in their post, it said Stick, not the Stick.
  2. "You, are wonderful." Rex smiled.
  3. "Mmm... That feels lovely." Rex whispered, snuggling against him contentedly.
  4. I never said I was the One True Stick. I said, I was Stick. That's my shardname, which makes it a proper noun, see? I am Stick, not stick. Humph.
  5. "I'm comfortable enough for it." She whispered, closing her eyes.
  6. "I know. You've shown me. And I love you." She whispered back, resting her head against his chest.
  7. She kissed him back, momentarily forgetting about her headache.
  8. Rex took a deep breath. "I'll try." She looked up at him, moving so their foreheads were touching. "I will try." She repeated.
  9. Favorite brand of shoe? least favorite style of shoe? gloves or mittens?
  10. I have a stupid question from a dumb child who doesn't know hardly anything about the cosmere... 


    What would happen if you spiked Kaladin?



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      You can take his bond, but then Syl could break it.

    3. Just-A-Stick




    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      You would widen the cracks in his soul, thus making it so that shards and other beings could talk to him easier, not just Moash, the Stormfather and Dalinar. Via the cognitive and spiritual realm, that is

  11. She nodded slowly. "I just... I never show people that I can be hurt.... I have to be the strong one, so that i can't be hurt anymore." She whispered, another tear falling.
  12. "But... But I'm hurting you to! You think it's your fault and that hurts you!" She whispered back, voice cracking.
  13. Rex leaned into his fingers. She opened her eyes, and a tear leaked out. She wiped it away swiftly, looking down.
  14. Rex unconsciously clenched her hands into fists, willing her headache away, but it didn't work.
  15. Rex winced again at her headache. She kept her eyes closed, though they were watering, and resisted the urge to hold her head in her hands.
  16. *giggles, bares fangs, and looks for another human to turn into sludge with magic breadstick*
  17. *hits with bread stick* Nope! YOU HAVE BEEN NOPED! HA!
  18. Rex cracked open one eye and smiled at him. She pulled a blanket over them both and shut her eyes again, still smiling.
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