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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. *steals win from Haly because she ran away*
  2. He could sense how much she loved the feeling, sense the shivers it sent through her body. A thought rose unbidden to her mind. Never stop, go on forever, kiss him. Rex tried to shove the thought away before he saw it, but it was to late.
  3. Rex showed him inside, where she had always known, just lost sight of it briefly. Yes.
  4. I know. And I love you for it.
  5. She took them from him, sealing them away in her mind. No. Those are not for you anymore. Trust me.
  6. Hi Shorty! I LOVE horses!
  7. Rex simply held him, patting his back and communicating wordlessly through their bond.
  8. Sweatshirt




    I wrap myself
    Up in it.
    I imagine you’re here
    With me.
    Holding my hand,
    Holding me,
    Loving me.
    I feel you,
    In this sweatshirt.
    I miss you,
    I’m thinking of you.
    I think you’re here with me.
    I hide in this sweatshirt,
    Pretending I’m hiding in your
    Loving arms.
    It smells like you.
    It feels like you.
    It’s a bittersweet
    Feeling, wearing
    Your sweatshirt.
    I think of you often,
    I miss you lots,
    It makes me lonely,
    But also hopeful.
    You will have
    To see me again,
    Or else,
    Say goodbye
    To your sweatshirt.
    I love you.
    I’m missing you.
    I can’t wait
    To see you,
    Wearing my sweatshirt,
    And give you
    A hug.
    I’m thinking of you
    ~ Stick 1-26-14

    ( @Part Of The Narrative, @Shardwatcher01

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Weaver of Lies
    3. Cinnamon


      This reads like a kid who’s dad has gone on an extended vacation or is in the army going into their closet, wrapping themselves up in the too big sweatshirt and softly crying. :]

    4. Just-A-Stick


      @Cinnamon it was actually about the fact that my close friend let me steal her sweatshirt 😂

      but, you are right :P 

  9. It's official! l'm a five year old! 😁


    I did finger painting today, and played with shaving cream.

    We need no other proof.

    If you would like to see my artwork, here it is :P 




    AND BE


    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    ( @Part Of The Narrative, @Shardwatcher01

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      That art...

      You say "five years old" but it looks like some eldritch demon tentacles that are going to eat you.

    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      That art looks better than what I’ve seen most five-year-olds do. I’ say you’re at least six.

    4. Just-A-Stick
  10. She pulled his head to her chest. "Shhh.... You don't have to be okay..." Rex planted a kiss on the top of his head, resting her cheek against his hair. "I'm here..."
  11. "It's okay..." Rex whispered in his ear, patting his back gently.
  12. Lily lick her ice cream, getting it on her face in the process. "Its good."
  13. Lily looks at the woman and her face breaks out an a radiant grin, dirt flaking off, exposing clean skin underneath. Lily waves a small hand at her.
  14. "I like ice cream." Lily whispers.
  15. Welp! Yeah, I guess, I have always wanted to serve my country in an active way... I want to be respected... I want the experience. Army is a maybe, because I need to explore the other branches a lil bit... I have a very dear friend who is looking at the Air Force, so that's cool... Great question! <33
  16. "Shhhh... Don't apologize for that." She rocked him back and forth gently, cradling his head in her arms. "I love you too." @Lightweaver2
  17. Ash covered her face with the pillow again, shutting her eyes. @Part Of The Narrative
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