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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Helpless." She whispered, wincing as the word stung.
  2. "I don't know? I just feel so..." She trailed off. You never wanted to feel like that in the first place. Now, it's happened again. Helpless. You're helpless and you can't do anything.
  3. "Do you want to say anything?" Rex asked him, brushing the back of his hand with her thumb.
  4. Rex nodded, scooting a little closer to Daniel.
  5. Rex nodded. "Where to start..." She looked at Daniel. "We... We both need to get some help, but aren't sure how...?"
  6. "I just don't know how to talk about things..." Rex said, looking down.
  7. Ash didn't move in the slightest. It didn't even appear that she was breathing.
  8. Ash looked around again and flopped on the bed, facing the wall. She grabbed the pillow and pulled it over her head.
  9. She leaned against him. "I... I don't know, it'f just hard."
  10. "Yeah..." She shifted uncomfortably.
  11. "Getting by...?" Rex asked gently, "Is that all?"
  12. Rex nodded. "I think we are okay..." She said, turning back to Helda, "How are you and Tayen?"
  13. Ash shrugged. "Makes no difference, I guess..."
  14. "I don't know..." She turned to Daniel. "What do you think?"
  15. Ash nodded, glancing around. "How long." She said flatly.
  16. "I... I think i'm less of a wreck emotionally today... want to come in and sit down?" Rex motioned to a chair with her bandaged hand. She squeezed Daniel's hand.
  17. She looks at him, eyes narrowed. I don't trust you. Her gaze seemed to say, but she followed him anyway.
  18. Ash shrugged, slipping her arm out of his grasp and plastering her back to the wall, eyes darting.
  19. "Hello." Rex said to her, good hand unconsciously reaching for Daniel's hand.
  20. Ash stayed close to him as they walked back through the restaurant. She seemed to jump at every sound and her eyes darted everywhere, trying to take in everything at once.
  21. Ash startled out of her reverie. "Yes." She said, looking at his hand warily.
  22. Rex sat up, rubbing her eyes but didn't disturb Daniel. "Come in." She called softly.
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