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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I like ice cream." Lily whispers.
  2. POEM!




    I am supposed to be
    It’s a party, right?
    Everyone is happy
    At a party.
    Not this person.
    I wish I could hide…
    Sit in the corner,
    Under my blanket,
    Back to the wall,
    Ignore everything,
    Ignore everyone,
    In my
    Thank you
    For the presents
    Thank you
    For coming
    But I need
    To be alone now.
    Good night
    I’m leaving.
    I’m sorry.
    I know
    I’m supposed to
    Be the center
    Of attention.
    But I can’t
    I’m to busy
    Leaving the party.
    The party
    ~ Stick 1-21-24

    ( @Shardwatcher01)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Part Of The Narrative
    3. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      🎵 Fifteen years, fifteen million tears 🎵

      Thanks for sharing this Stick, it really got me in the feels. *offers tentative hug*

    4. Just-A-Stick


      @Robin Sedai

      You're welcome!


      *hugs back* 

      (I like da hugzez) 

  3. Rex nodded shakily, "I know." She rested in his embrace.
  4. Lily smiles and hides her face in Liz's shoulder.
  5. Lily squeaks and hisses at him, moving to the other side of Liz, so that she is between them. Lily buries her face in Liz's leg.
  6. Love the new PFP


    (as always) 



    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Aww, thank you :wub:

  7. She snuggled close to him. "I'm trying to believe you." She whispered.
  8. "Please, just hold me and don't leave." Rex whispered, closing her eyes.
  9. "That's what I thought before."
  10. "Until you try to leave again." It wasn't a question.
  11. "I do need you. I always will."
  12. "You are. Just... not when you do things like whatever the storms just happened." She said softly.
  13. "I... I need to hear that. That someone, at least loves me and actually cares." She whispered.
  14. She leaned into his embrace, wiping at her eyes. "You're enough for me." Rex said firmly. "If you really do love me, you can try to love yourself to. Right? How are you supposed to love others if you can't even love yourself?"
  15. Rex tried to regain control of her emotions and managed to stop sobbing. "No, I'm- n- not." She hiccuped.
  16. "I'm- mess! You're not- a problem-" Rex choked out, turning her face to look at him.
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