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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I'm- sorry-" She sobbed, also shaking.
  2. She jumped at her name and ducked back behind Liz's leg. @SmilingPanda19
  3. Rex laid her head in his lap, desperately wishing for him to prove that he still loved her.
  4. Rex didn't move, except to continue to sob.
  5. Rex just shook her head, turning her back on him. Easier if you don't see him leave... rebuild the walls... nobody wants you. hide from them, alone again, like always...
  6. "I- N... No!" Was all she managed to say. He's just trying to get away from you he'd rather be dead than with you...
  7. Rex couldn't even lift her head. He never wanted you. He's just like everyone else. Like your father...
  8. "You love me, so you're going to leave?!?!" Rex sobbed. she dropped her hand and curled into a ball on the bed, sobs muffled by the pillow, body shaking with her apparent grief.
  9. "Daniel? I... I thought you loved me!" Rex was sobbing uncontrollably now, hand still outstretched toward him. @Lightweaver2 @The Aspiring Archivist
  10. "No! Daniel! Please no? I love you!" Rex said, reaching out to him. "I need you!" @Lightweaver2
  11. "Doctor?" Rex turned to him. "What happened?" @The Aspiring Archivist
  12. Rex nodded. "Daniel?" Rex asked, eyes watering. "Come sit with me?"
  13. "Daniel!" Rex said, trying to jump out of bed and run to him.
  14. Rex nodded. "Of course." She concentrated on breathing, deeply and evenly.
  15. "Can he come to me? I need to see him! Please." She begged.
  16. "Where is he!" Rex struggled, tears falling from her eyes again.
  17. Rex came to, back in her hospital bed, alone but for the nurse. She tried to scramble out of bed. "Where's Daniel!" @The Aspiring Archivist
  18. Rex offered no protest, as she was still unconscious.
  19. "I... No, Daniel-" She fainted. @Lightweaver2
  20. Rex turned to the doctor. @The Aspiring Archivist
  21. "Daniel, please!" Rex sobbed, still unsteady.
  22. "Daniel... what is happening?" Rex walked over to him, laying her good hand on the side of his face and wiping away his tears.
  23. "Daniel?" Rex turned to him. @Lightweaver2
  24. "Please!" She sobbed. "What is happening?"
  25. Rex ran over to him. "What's happening!" She asked, frantic, tears running down her face.
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