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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Can we get you some? Get me some?" She asked.
  2. "It's okay to recognise that you need help." She said earnestly, looking into his face.
  3. Hello, everyone! :) 

    Here are my sermon notes from this morning. ❤️ 


    A prophet's job is to comfort the afflicted, and to afflict the comfortable.


    Three Reminders:

    1. God is in control.

    2. God rewards patience.

    3. This is not the end of the story.


    The way you spell hope. H-O-P-E

    Holding On, Praying Expectantly. 

    Anyway, I won again!    ^-^   that seems like a conspiracy, but whatever :P 


    I love you all, and hope you enjoy your Sunday!



    ~ Stick

    ( @Part Of The Narrative)

  4. "Daniel." Rex says, squeezing his hand.
  5. "Hi." Lily says softly, peeking out for a moment.
  7. Rex nodded, squeezing Daniel's hand again. @Lightweaver2
  8. "I... I grabbed a knife." Rex said shortly.
  9. "It was my fault." Rex said quickly.
  10. "Tried!? I did it! I'm not saying I did it well, but I still did it." ~ @Part Of The Narrative "What is THIS piece of crap doing here?!?!?!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative
  11. "Thank you." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "How long is the recovery process?" She asked the doctor. @The Aspiring Archivist
  12. "You could come here and sit with me till I'm done, if you want..." She said after a minute.
  13. "Thank you." Rex said, taking it and balancing it in her hand while she drank.
  14. "I don't think so? Maybe some water..."
  15. "I'm glad." She squeezed back.
  16. "I am a raging perfectionist." ~ @Part Of The Narrative "This would be easier if I could see." ~ @Part Of The Narrative "*gasp* They're so cute! I'm happy!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative "I need to stop. Tell me to stop! Too late, I stopped." @Part Of The Narrative "I- I'm dying inside!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative "This would be so much easier if I didn't wear glasses." ~ @Part Of The Narrative "Crap." ~ @Part Of The Narrative "Oops. *snickers*" ~ @Part Of The Narrative "When I gasp, you can tell if it's one of disappointment or one of excitement." ~ @Part Of The Narrative "Where'd I put the scissors?" ~ @Part Of The Narrative "Tell me why it was a good idea for a perfectionist to cut her own hair..." ~ @Part Of The Narrative "If I'm going to choke, at least it would be like... by my babes!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative
  17. "I am better." Rex said, reaching her good hand out to him.
  18. Rex nodded, leaning back again. She looked at Daniel. "Are you okay?" She asked
  19. "Thank you." Rex said, opening her other eye and sitting up slightly. @Lightweaver2
  20. Rex breathed easier, color returning to her face. She opened one eye.
  21. Rex moaned softly, not opening her eyes.
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