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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Mamma? Why'd you leave?" Rex muttered.
  2. Daughter... come home.... We miss you... you belong here. with us. Rex looked around. She was standing in a white field spattered with drops of blood. "Who are you?" Rex called, looking around. The voice sounded familiar somehow... Araxie.. Do you remember me? "Mamma?" She asked, worried Yes baby, It's me... You should come with us... come... hoommeee... The voice was fading, disappearing into the distance. "Mamma! Don't leave again!" She tossed is her sleep.
  3. "Life before death, my apprentice." ~ @Shardwatcher01 "I'm just TO good for my own GOOD!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative
  4. "No, not quite, more like this." Iris inhaled smoothly and exhaled slowly. "Can you try that?"
  5. "Yes, but, can you make it a bit calmer?"
  6. "Life is full of ups and downs. It can only be down for so long before it has to go up. That's the way life works. Can you take one deep breath for me please? Just one."
  7. "Shhh... It's ok.... Things are getting better, I promise."
  8. "Will you breathe with me? This is temporary. This will go away soon. Just focus on breathing. Don't think about anything. Ok? Can you do that?"
  9. "Ok, Athena, will you do something for me?"
  10. "Thank..." She fell asleep.
  11. "Meg?" He called for the maid, worry in his voice. "Here, sir!" She came down the stairs, hands shaking. "Did they hurt you?" Jacin asked, leading her to a chair and sitting her down. "No sir. I'm alright, just... shaken." She said. "That's ok, It's normal. Just sit ad rest for awhile." "But sir! I have to hep you!" She protested "No. Your heath is more important." Jacin said firmly.
  12. "Can you leave the room? Go somewhere away from the monster?"
  13. "Athena? Listen to my voice ok? Just take a deep breath, ok? As big as you can." Iris said, trying to comfort the distraught girl.
  14. Jacin sat down slowly. "I wonder how much they took...." he mused aloud.
  15. "Will you try to sleep to? I'm ok, so long as you're holding... me..." She was drifting off, but she tried to hand on long enough to hear his reply.
  16. "Alright, please take a deep breath. Are you safe in your own environment?" The answering machine records it, then stops.
  17. "I forgive you. You obviously did what you had to do." He kept his back turned.
  18. "Daniel?" Rex said after a moment.
  19. The answering machine picks up. "Hi, you've reached Iris Winter at her therapy office. If this is an emergency, please contact you're local helpline. Leave a message with a time you would like to schedule an appointment and I will get back to you. Thank you. Beep."
  20. "If you say so." Jacin shrugged.
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