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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I feel safer now." She laid her head on his shoulder. "Goodnight, Daniel."
  2. "Alright, can you take some deep breaths for me? Are you still scared of that monster?"
  3. "I... I've made many mistakes. I don't think of myself as a good man."
  4. "Promise? You'll stay with me? Right here?"
  5. "Athena? Where are you right now? Are you alone?"
  6. "I... I'm not sure. I have so many nightmares... I don't want to be alone..." Rex whispered, ignoring the tear tricking down her cheek.
  7. "Who knows? Maybe this is my punishment for losing one to many patients." He mused
  8. "We need to sleep soon." She said, holding back a yawn.
  9. "That's good. May I ask what you plan to do?" Jacin said kindly
  10. "Freya, you can kill me, but please, just think of all the people I've been helping? You would wish them to die as well?" Jacin said slowly
  11. "It's very nice to meet you, Athena, my name is Miss Iris." Iris says gently, "Eight is perfect for me. Are you alright right now?"
  12. "Sure." He did as he was told, turning around slowly. "Are you going to kill me now?"
  13. "Hello, yes, I'm here. Ok, can you take a deep breath for me? What's your name and how old are you? What time would you like to make an appointment?" Her voice is kind and steady.
  14. 2000!!!



    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      Bet. I will take this responsibility with honor, and do my best to justify my keep of it

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      The only justification you'll ever need is backwards reasoning.

      That's what I had/have.

    4. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      lol yeah ik wym with the whole not having time thing

      feels like I’m out of the house more than in it sometimes 

  15. Jacin turned back to Freya. "Where were we?"
  16. "I love you. I don't know what I'd do without you...." She closed her eyes, listening to his heart beating.
  17. "Thank you." She whispered, leaning against him.
  18. "Oh, that key. Here you go." Jacin took a key from around his neck, not making any sudden moves and handed it to the person.
  19. "I'm trying." She said, concentrating on breathing and the arms around her, holding her close, keeping her safe. Rex's breathing slowed, and she appeared calmer.
  20. "I have indeed, but that does not change the fact that I am a doctor. Now, what key are you talking about?"
  21. Hello, and Welcome to Therapy: An RP My name is Iris Winter, and I am a trained therapist in my interdimensional office. Everyone is welcome, and I will do my best to try and help you with anything you might need. I am, as of yet, the only one on my staff, but I will be accepting applications via PM. All of my clients will be treated with as much fairness as possible, but I am a mere mortal and am, sadly, not perfect. There will potentially be a male therapist option in the future, as, this might be more comfortable for some clients. Utmost respect and politeness is asked at all times, as well as no foul language or off color topics. Thank you, and I hope you receive the help you need. Most sincerely, Iris Winter
  22. Jacin glanced at the figure. "Is something wrong with you're voice, friend?" He asked
  23. Rex nodded, breathing with him. She could feel the tension in her chest slowly relax as she breathed easier.
  24. Rex looked at him, pain in her eyes. "I... sorry..."
  25. "Alright, alright, sorry." He dropped his hand slowly.
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