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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I... can't... breathe...." She gasped, lungs constricting painfully.
  2. "hey, how about you sit down, and we can talk about how you're feeling? I think that would make you feel better... And, how many finger is this?" Jacin held up three fingers.
  3. She nodded her head, trying to breath without hyperventilating.
  4. "Well, I'm not about to argue with the person who is holding me at knife-point."
  5. "I.. I don't know what to do with myself anymore!" Rex said into his chest, voice muffled.
  6. "Alright, you can think that about me. Your choice is your choice."
  7. She wrapped her arms around him and cried, to out of breath for words.
  8. He squinted his eyes at her, "I'm not sure, actually."
  9. "I... I'm not strong enough!" She only cried harder. "Look at me!"
  10. "Escape from... what, exactly?"
  11. She sobbed into his shirt. "I.. I t .. tried so hard to forget! It all came back! All of it!"
  12. Jacin shrugged. "So, what happens now?"
  13. "Alright.... Are you still feeling sick?"
  14. "But... no, it wasn't a dream! It happened!" She started sobbing.
  15. "Otherwise...?" He prompted, looking at her carefully
  16. "I... I'm safe? Really?" She squeezed his hand tightly with her good hand. "It... was it a dream?"
  17. "Alright... What do you need from me? You know that if you needed help, I would have tried my best to give you what you need, right?"
  18. "Wh... where's Morgan? he... he was going to hurt me again...?"
  19. Jacin sighed, "Freya, why are you doing this?"
  20. It took a moment for clarity to enter her eyes. "Daniel?"
  21. Jacin tensed, eyes wide. then, he slowly relaxed. "Freya, it's ok, just... take a deep breath for me, ok? Can you hand me that knife before you hurt someone?"
  22. Rex jerked awake, eyes wide and body shaking. "Please don't hit me!" She yelped, shying away from his hand.
  23. Rex curled into a ball, muttering in her sleep. "Morgan? Please don't!"
  24. "Why? What hurts? Can you tell me how you feel?"
  25. Me an' @Lightweaver2 are good at makin' messed up characters... but like.... ima good way *High fives*
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