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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex relaxed into his arms. "Neither do I. We just have to wait till both of us are ready." @Lightweaver2
  2. "Of course." He inclined his head to her and opened the door. "You had better let me go first, ma'm. You never know what you may find." He stepped through the door and into the dim building.
  3. "Would you like to be trained? I could do with an apprentice..."
  4. "I never said I was ready right now. I meant the future. And I want to be together with you." She looked at him.
  5. "Yes, fairly simple. Good for a beginner- i mean no offence of course."
  6. "I... Ok." She sat back down, not meeting his eyes.
  7. "Elderly woman, has a bad cough and needs a few things."
  8. "Yes, but that's not what you want. I'm... i'm sorry. I should go." She tried to leave.
  9. Y'all, i have moved from the no "mingling" to the "Mingling" BOIS KEEP COMIN AFTER ME! XD I'm not good at trying to scare them away, so.... here i am!
  10. "I don't think you love me enough... to... well.. marry me?" She winced as she said it, hiding her face.
  11. "I have.... experience dealing with such people. It's never pleasant. But, it is pleasant talking to you, that's how I know. We're almost there."
  12. "Daniel. I don't want to leave you. Ever. But, well..." She stopped, looking down.
  13. "So... what does that look like? You want me- all of me, and... how will you go about getting me?" Rex bit her lip, looking apprehensive.
  14. "I ... I don't know. What about me do you want?"
  15. "Nay, you are not a fool- Far from it, in fact."
  16. "And what would that be...?" She looked at him curiously.
  17. "You know, ma'm, I do not believe there is a such this as being to kind. Kindness is our duty. Why else would we be here?" Shut up you fool! She doesn't need to hear all that yet...
  18. "That's true... but I want a lot of things." She traced his jaw with a finger on her good hand.
  19. "I don't know, It's up to you." She smiled at him, cheeks flushing slightly.
  20. "Oh, don't get me wrong. I do get paid. I charge a large fee from the more... better off in society. It is enough for all my needs, and quite a few of my wants as well. But, why should we charge those who have nearly nothing? It makes no sense to me."
  21. She melted into him, the kiss taking her breath away. She smiled against his mouth.
  22. "Mmm... a good question." Jacin thought for a moment. "I live off the generosity of others. It's difficult, for, I am a proud man. But sometimes it's necessary to let go of pride."
  23. "Yeah, I do... And you have to kiss me before I will move." She giggled, face turning red.
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