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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex sat up. "That's not good..." She grabbed her satchel off the floor and pulled a bandage out of it. "Can I see?"
  2. "What?" She loosened her grip slightly.
  3. She hugged him back, careful not to bump her injured hand.
  4. "Good. And I love you...." Don't ask... it's not the time... try later... She shut her eyes, soaking in the warmth of his embrace.
  5. "That's not what I'm saying. You can work at it. You don't have to be better. baby steps, ok?" She wanted to say more, but she made herself stop.
  6. She pressed into him, sighing. "It's not you're fault, but you could work on getting better...." She stopped.
  7. "I... I just... I can't stop feeling lonely, even though you're with me...." She looked down, wrapping a bit of her hair around a finger and tugging on it.
  8. "It's... nothing, now's not the time..." Rex willed her tears to stop and they slowed.
  9. I want you to hold me again.... "No, I'm ok."
  10. Rex shifted, trying to get comfortable again. "Do you need anything?"
  11. "I will have to at some point, but it's fine for now..."
  12. "Yes, it feels better... I can check it, if that would make you feel better...?" Rex was rather startled by how quickly he let her go, but she tried not to show it.
  13. Rex blushed slightly and snuggled closer to him.
  14. Rex started humming a lullaby that her mother sang to her as a baby. She zoned out, humming and enjoying the feeling of closeness.
  15. "Of course." She stroked his head and ran her fingers through his hair.
  16. "I... I can stay with you. I won't be leaving. I promise."
  17. "Daniel... you need help, Ok? Can I do anything? Do you need me?" Tears formed in her eyes, spilling over and running down her face.
  18. "But you still want to..." It wasn't a question.
  19. "Do you... still want to kill yourself...?" Rex asked quietly
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