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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex breathed deeply, feeling herself drifting off.
  2. "Can you rest to?" She snuggled against him, shutting her eyes.
  3. Rex guided him so that the two of them were laying down. "Can we worry about that later?" She laid her good hand on his cheek.
  4. "You can be healed. It just takes work" Rex wiped away his tears with her good hand. "For now, will you just rest with me? Hold me tight and deal with this when you have had some sleep?"
  5. "Do you want to feel this way? Deep down? Is this who you are? Is the truth anywhere in you?"
  6. Rex glanced down at the bandage on her hand, rubbing her thumb over it and wincing.. "That was me. Trying to protect you. It was worth every single drop of blood, every tear,every pain. I would gladly do it again- without hesitation, to save you again. You are worth all the pain in the world. Julie wasn't wrong. Spirits can't lie."
  7. "You never made anything wrong with me... Daniel? Would Julie want you to feel and act this way?"
  8. ".... Can you explain? Is it something I did?"
  9. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"
  10. Rex moved over, making space for him beside her.
  11. Rex curled up on his bed, watching him. "You're very handsome, you know." She says quietly.
  12. Rex leaned against him. "Somewhere inside, and warm with a blanket... and somewhere we can find you a new shirt."
  13. "I don't want to be here... to much has happened."
  14. Rex just shrugged, not meeting his eyes.
  15. "I'm not comfortable here. I want to go somewhere else."
  16. Hi people! 



    MY favorite thing to do in the snow is let my hair down and put on this white cloak that I made and stand barefoot in the snow and catch the snowflakes in my hair. It makes me feel like a beautiful woodland sprite.

    What about you wonderful people? What do you like to do?


    P.S. I was AI arting and here it is :P 



    Have a good day, and please reach out if you need anything ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kajsa


      It’s like kinda snowing here too! Right now everything is coated in a light dusting and it’s SO pretty! I pretty much do the same thing lol except I don’t have a white cloak 😭 a have a blue shirt with trumpet sleeves though and a corset and some pants that are like trouser-esque! I like going down to the woods with my sister and taking pictures :)

    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      It snowed yesterday, it was pretty fun.

    4. SmilingPanda19



  17. "We aren't exactly in the best place..."
  18. "Maybe I do need rest, but I also need a place to rest and someone to rest with me." She looked at him carefully.
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