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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex rubbed his shoulder. "Its ok..." She whispered
  2. Guys.

    Someone needs to hear this.

    Please listen to this song.

    In Jesus Name By Katy Nicole.


    I am praying this

    Over you, and yours.

    ~ Stick 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Thank you, Stick ❤️

    2. Just-A-Stick


      You're welcome, Eddie. 

  3. "Daniel.... you don't have to be strong for me... tears are not bad! they let you feel..."
  4. "Daniel... It will be ok... in the end..." @The Aspiring Archivist
  5. She held his hand tightly.
  6. Rex held him, rubbing his shoulder gently. "Its ok..." She whispered in his ear.
  7. Rex waited, bouncing on her toes. @Aeoryi
  8. You know, "ok" Is a funny word.


     being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition

    “things are okay”

    And yet... we throw it around so carelessly...

    I would say that I can be ok sometimes.

    But, I also don't always feel In satisfactory condition.

    Are you Ok? 


    I'm not sure why I did this. :P 


    1. Slowswift


      It's got quite the funny etymology, too.


  9. "I'm sorry sir, but we do not... She took a general magics course though...." Rex looked hopeful. @Lightweaver2
  10. A tear fell from her eye. "I only wish it were, Sir."
  11. "no, but umm... we had a friend who was, and she... umm... passed away, unfortunately. We need to find the names of her parents so that we can tell them..." Rex squeezed Daniel's hand tightly. @Lightweaver2
  12. "Hi, I- we are looking for someone... Maybe you could help us?"
  13. Rex walked with him, up to the building and knocked on the door. A man opened it. @The Aspiring Archivist
  14. "Yes, and that will be hard. but you don't have to dread it. It will be sad, but it might also be... healing?" Rex touched his cheek gently.
  15. "Well, excuse me, but he told me that you were his friend. Usually, friends care." Jacin crossed his arms.
  16. "I'm alright, but you need to relax... I can feel the tension in you shoulders..." She rubbed them gently.
  17. "I doubt that also." "I am here because I care about people who need help. And Xenk over here, happens to desperately need some."
  18. "I don't treat any kind of sickness."
  19. "I think the main building..." Rex said, walking towards it. @Aeoryi
  20. PLOT TWIST!!! The person above me forgot to add TPBM....
  21. *Chokes* *Cough* TPBM likes @The Wandering Wizard
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