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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. *relief* I thought you had blinded yourself walking past a mirror on your third birthday yesterday...
  2. Auryn rolled her eyes. "Why are you following me? If I killed you, would you stop?" Rex laced her finger through his and stood beside him.
  3. "I can hear you." She said. "No, I do feel better, I promise."
  4. Auryn ran out of the cavern and into the next one. --- "Ok..." Rex tucked the necklace back into her shirt. "My head feels better." She said to Daniel.
  5. Auryn walked away silently, deeper into the cavern. --- "Make do with what?" Rex asked
  6. Auryn waited a while longer, then took a slow step backward. --- "I... I don't mind very much..." Rex said after a moments hesitation.
  7. Auryn didn't move, but her mind was racing. - - - - Rex moved her hand up to her neck, pulling a small necklace out of her shirt. "Would this work to pay the innkeeper?"
  8. She leaned against him again, head on his chest.
  9. Auryn kept her eyes closed and sensed the pebble being thrown. Nice try.
  10. "No... I don't think so, but thank you."
  11. Auryn listened as hard as she could and used her magic. She could just barely hear him breathing.
  12. Rex said nothing. - - - Auryn heard the trapdoor open and could sense the figure behind her. A man... The same one from the alley? She stopped and turned around, waiting for him to enter the cavern she was in.
  13. "It's good stew. But not that good." Ash was skeptical.
  14. Auryn began to run silently, through the cavern and into the next one. - - - - "I am well, thank you." Rex said, giving him a small smile.
  15. "I do not like being hated." She mumbled.
  16. Rex sat,hands in her lap and looked at the door. She unconsciously tried to smooth her hair.
  17. Auryn walked forward again, creeping slowly, but still listening. Rex did the same, not wanting to spoil the moment by speaking. Just then, a knock sounded at the door. She looked at Daniel.
  18. "Hated..." Ash seemed lost in thought for a moment.
  19. "So are you." She whispered back.
  20. Ash winced. "But you did." She said simply
  21. Auryn trotted through the cavern in complete darkness, her eyes closed. She listened closely and used her magic to sense everything around her. she sensed the door in the alley open and she froze. Someone's following me! She snuggled into him, hearing his heart beat in her ear.
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