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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Auryn ducked into an alleyway, running along it, crouched low. "Oh." Rex shifted uncomfortably, "May I ask why?"
  2. @Lunamor Ash fiddled with her hands under the table.
  3. Auryn ran to the other side of the street and plastered her back against the wall of a building, eyes darting around the crowd. "Daniel... It's not nothing. I can tell."
  4. She touched his cheek. "Why do you look sad?" Auryn ducked under a man's arm and scrambled through the crowd, swinging left and right.
  5. Auryn snapped into focus, watching the people with an excited tension. She stood straight, no longer leaning against the wall, and punched a man in the face, dropping him.
  6. "I'm not sure... And I'm glad you're better..." She leaned her head against his shoulder affectionately.
  7. "Good. I don't want you to be sorry." Rex looked into his eyes. "Are you ok, Daniel?" Auryn eyed the crowd suspiciously, looking for anyone who seemed up to no good. @The Aspiring Archivist
  8. Drowning





    The chain around my heart

    Is dragging me under

    It wrenches me into

    The black depths


    I cannot tell

    If the water is in me

    Or outside of my head.

    I am drowning.


    The water closes over my head,

    Blocking out all the light.

    It is cold, dark, wet, and lonely. 

    There is no hope

    For those who are drowning.


    I will soon be consumed

    By the dark waters.

    They will clog my throat,

    I will stop breathing.


    I will sleep for eternity

    Under the waves

    That slowly rock my carcass.

    Back and forth.

    Unfeeling and



    Will I finally find peace,

    Down there, in the depths?

    Do those who drowned

    Ever get to rest?

    Or are they in ceaseless 


    Way down



    I am drowning. 

    None can save me.


    ~ Stick 1-3-24 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Just-A-Stick
    3. Part Of The Narrative

      Part Of The Narrative

      I love you and I’m here for you you knowww <3333

    4. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      We are always here for you, like Archie said. If you ever need something don’t hesitate to ask. ❤️‍🩹

  9. "Don't apologize!" Rex looked at his mouth.
  10. Auryn walked down the street, hand resting lightly on the hilt of her sword. She did her best to ignore the odd stares people gave her, they obviously were not used to seeing scarred females with lots of tattoos in modified guard uniforms, carrying swords. Auryn stopped at a corner, eyeing the street warily. there had been some unrest lately, and she was ready to be in the middle of it, if fighting broke out. @The Aspiring Archivist
  11. Rex leaned into his kiss, feeling his warmth travel down the length of her body. She closed her eyes. @Lightweaver2
  12. Rex took a deep breath, leaning into his arms. "My father was... abusive, and took it out on me, and my older brother. Morgan... he turned into a monster. he was so very broken. He... he murdered my baby sister, right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything to stop it..." Rex was crying now, but her voice was deadpan, "Morgan got arrested and later died in prison. Our house burnt down, and I was trapped beneath a wooden beam." Rex brushed her hair off the back of her neck. "That's how I got this scar. I... I have many more scars to, but I've become a master at covering them up..."
  13. Hi, Girly! Love the new PFP, as usual! ❤️ 

    (And thx for the meme) :D 

    It made my day :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Meme??? 👀

      Also I love it too :D

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hehe just in the sharder memes thing :) 

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Hehe those were good :3

  14. Jacin pointed at the figures. "Is one of them the man we're looking for?"
  15. "I don't know? I almost feel like I should finish, just to get it out, but then... well... what if you decide to leave? where would that leave me?"
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