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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Hey..." Rex said, cupping his face in her hand, "It's going to be ok. I'll be there with you, I promise!" @Lightweaver2
  2. "Of course!" Rex turned to face him, "I need you to..." She added with a small smile.
  3. "then we should find them, and... tell them. I can come, if you want me to... but I don't have to."
  4. "Did Julie have any... family or relatives who should know...? Rex asked softly, wincing at her name.
  5. Rex leaned into his touch. "That feels wonderful... I think... maybe... well..." Rex stopped looking at him.
  6. Rex stretched, kneading at her shoulders. "what needs to be done?"
  7. "in all seriousness, we should go soon." Rex looked wistful.
  8. "You have a nice laugh... you should use it more often." Rex said softly.
  9. *raises hand* Tastes like chicken TPBM is an insomniac who hates spelling.
  11. Rex giggled, blushing softly, "I guess technically, we are up now..." She leaned back against his chest, curling her fingers into his hair.
  12. She felt goosebumps rise on her skin and she smiled at him. "We need to get up at some point..."
  13. Hi, I wrote a poem earlier... sorry, but it's really dark... I'm better than alright now, but I had... a rough time this afternoon. I'M FINE NOW, THO <333

    (I'm happy to share inspo in a PM... Take care of yourself, you wonderful people! If you need anything, please PM me ❤️ 







    I have a monster, 

    Clinging to my soul

    It lurks

    Down in the blackest 

    Corner of my heart


    It arises 

    When it’s not wanted 

    It tries to consume me

    It lies to me

    Telling me that I’m not good enough 

    Or that I’m unlovable 

    Or messed up

    Or weird 

    Or to depressed for real friends 

    And I believe it


    The monster won’t leave

    I can’t chase it away

    I am powerless to escape 

    It’s icy claws 

    It’s hot breath

    The wounds it leaves 


    The monster is 

    Slowly killing me

    Slowly controlling my body 

    And my mind


    I don’t even want to escape 

    I embrace the monster,

    Even as it cuts me

    Even as it controls me


    I want to bleed

    I want to be in pain

    I want to die

    I want to not exist 


    I don’t know

    What I need

    What will help


    But I don’t want help

    I just want to die

    And bleed

    And hurt


    I want to be eaten

    By the monster 

    I want to be gone

    I want to cut myself 

    I want to kill myself

    I want somebody to kill me


    With a rope

    A gun

    A knife 

    Or drowning 


    I can’t keep


    With this




    I don’t want 





    ~ Stick 1-1-24 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *Wiz sized hugs*

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      *Wiz cookie monster sized hugs*

    4. InfiniteInsanity


      So... I know that these poems come from really rough not great places but I love monster poems. 

      For me personally they help me identify and acknowledge what I'm feeling and so that's why I love them.

      Anyways I really like your poem. And it's really good. I'm sorry you were in a rough place earlier and I'm glad you're feeling better.

  14. "It's too bad that can't happen...." Rex looked wistful. "So, you really don't mind if I touch you? It always helps me focus and feel loved, but not everyone is the same..."
  15. "Honestly, I think I could stay here forever... Oh!" Rex said suddenly, realizing something, "I never asked if you mind me touching you! Gosh i feel so stupid!"
  16. "Of course!" Rex trailed a hand through his hair for a moment. "Do you want to get up?"
  17. "You really think Julie would want you to not be happy? I want you to know, that just because you are in mourning doesn't mean you can't have happy moments. Can you understand that?" Rex pressed her cheek against his, her head next to his on the pillow.
  18. "And why isn't it right?" Rex looked into his eyes.
  19. "Wonderful. I've never slept better. You?" Rex rubbed her thumb across his cheek.
  20. Rex yawned, shifting slightly, moving her hand onto the side of his face and opening her eyes.
  21. Rex sighed deeply, snuggling into him and shutting her eyes. She dozed off again, thinking about the hand in her hair and the amazing person who it belonged to.
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