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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "He has his quirks, but I guess you could say that about everyone."
  2. "Hmmm..." He pondered the question for a brief moment before answering. "All of it, except when I loose patients." He winced visibly, "But I try my best."
  3. he straitened and took a small step back. "Please, call me Jacin. No need for Sir. That I am. I've been a doctor for many a year. Tis' a noble calling, helping others, I enjoy my work very much.... of course," Jacin shot a glance at Xenk. "There are.... less pleasant aspects to the job..."
  4. I think I need a bit of time to recover.... I there somewhere more.... comfortable where I could rest? I don't think I can speak yet....
  5. "The pleasure is all mine." He kissed her knuckles, bowing.
  6. Rex sat up, lucidity returning to her eyes. Where am I? She asked the person in her head,
  7. "Good." Jacin walked back to the woman. "I don't belive I caught your name, ma'm, I'm Jacin." He held out his hand, palm up.
  8. Ash gave him a tiny half smile, and a little wave, before sitting down at the booth.
  9. Rex winced, eyes fluttering I... I'm not sure.... I feel... cold? open? I'm not sure.... Did you fix it?
  10. Help me.... how? What's happening?
  11. wh ... what....? Who? Where are you?
  12. Rex just whimpered, seeming to not understand.
  13. Jacin shoved him against the wall, not to gently,but not hurting him. "What the hell are you doing, boy? Why can't you be less... impulsive? I have half a mind to sedate you here and now!" His hand inched toward his satchel...
  14. Rex groaned pitifully, to weak to move her hand up to wipe her brow.
  15. "Excuse us for a moment." Jacin grabbed Xenk by the arm and towed him around a corner and out of sight.
  16. "I'm sorry, Ma'm,but I'll have none of that. His self esteem is low as is is, and I don't take kindly to people interfering with my patients. Xenk, be polite, please." Jacin said firmly, leaving no room for argument.
  17. "Well, it's like this, you see, I saved his life because he deiced to drink himself to death. He's been a real son of a-" Jacin stopped, shot a glance at the woman, then continued. "A not very... nice companion. I'm trying to find him help. believe me when I say it's not the arrangement I want."
  18. They walked inside, Kaladin held the door open and Ash darted through, looking a little anxious. Kaladin placed a steadying hand on her arm, "It's alright... I'll just ask for a quite corner table for us, ok?" Ash nodded, staying close to his side as they walked over to the counter. @Lunamor
  19. Nodding, Jacin turned to Xenk, "Xenk, I do not feel like shutting up at the moment. you might want to try a bit of your own medicine, before I have to sedate you and shut you up myself." Jacin deadpanned.
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