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Posts posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. 21 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:







  2. Okay.

    I wrote a part 2 to Falling

    (there might be more to come, we'll see!)

    tagging everyone who replied to part 1 @RoyalBeeMage, @Part Of The Narrative, @Edema Rue

    and @YouKnowYuno because I think they would like this one :>>


                          Falling (Part 2)


    There was a burst of light. A small golden flower, spiraling into her vision. She opened her eyes, taking a breath. A stab of pain shot through her head and chest simultaneously and she whimpered, wrapping her arms around her torso and curling into a ball, willing the pain to leave. She took small, shallow breaths until the pain in her chest subsided and she was left with a pounding headache. She felt too drained to try and open her eyes again. She let herself go limp, letting the blackness reclaim her.


    Waking the next time was less painful. Her head still hurt, but not nearly as bad as before. She opened her eyes, looking around herself. She seemed to be lying on a soft bed in one corner of a small, sunny bedroom. She wore a long, cream-colored nightgown that brushed against her skin in soft waves. A thousand questions came to her mind.

    She didn’t remember how she came to be here. Worry creased her brow as she realized she didn’t even know her own name. Was she alone? She tried to sit up and a sudden dizziness came to her head. She blacked out.


                                                                             . . . 


    Close your eyes, my dear, and dream,

    Let the stars weave silver seams.

    In the night you’ll find a way,

    Where the pain all melts away…



    She heard the voice, slightly husky, but deep and rich, filling her ears. It seemed… familiar…


    Rest your head, my sweetest light,

    I’ll hold you through the longest night,

    In my arms, you’re safe and warm,

    Tomorrow’s dawn will bring no harm…


    As she slowly became aware of herself, she realized that she was enclosed in strong arms.


    Hear the whispers of the moon,

    Softly singing you a tune.

    Feel my love, it’s always near,

    Guiding you through every fear.


    There was a heartbeat in her ear, keeping time with the vibrations of the voice. She stayed still, not wanting the voice to stop as the sweet melody caressed her ears, awakening a budding sense of calm that crept through her, unfurling silky petals that soothed away her worries.



    Rest your head, my sweetest light,

    I’ll hold you through the longest night,

    In my arms, you’re safe and warm,

    Tomorrow’s dawn will bring no harm.


    Sleep, my love, till morning’s glow,

    Feel my heart, it beats so slow.

    Every breath a tender kiss,

    Dream of love and endless bliss.


    The song finished and its singer let out a deep breath. She opened her eyes, very slowly, squinting as the light hit them. He looked at her, a smile washing over his face. “You’re awake,” He whispered, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead and letting his finger slide softly down her cheek. Her eyes met his, taking in their warm, brown depths. So gentle… so perfect…

    She wasn’t sure if she was strong enough to move on her own, and didn’t want to find out. A soft smile stole across her face as a pleasant feeling kindled in her chest and spread throughout her body. “You’ve always been so beautiful…” He whispered, his face coming so close that she could feel his breath on her cheek. She closed her eyes for a moment as his warm lips pressed against her temple. She could feel sparks trailing out from the spot. She shoved down the questions vying for her attention, trying to enjoy the moment.

    She felt… a nearness with this man. An intimacy as though she had always known him, though she didn’t know his name. And the tender way he held her so close? She didn’t know when she had last felt so safe. Or so… vulnerable.

     One question of many rose unbidden to her lips. “Wh-her a-am I-i-” Her voice broke off painfully, throat alive with searing pain. She coughed and tears came to her eyes, spilling over to run down her face. Concern flashed through the man’s eyes. “Shhh…” He soothed, reaching over for a mug of liquid sitting nearby. “Drink first.” He supported her head and brought the mug to her lips. 

    She took a hesitant sip and found a warm, floral-tasting tea that eased her throat as she swallowed. At an encouraging nod from the man, she sipped at the beverage, indulging in its sweet relief until it was gone. She felt a bit of strength return to her tired body. 

    “Better?” He asked, still in a whisper. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak just yet. She closed her eyes, resting them for a moment. I’m still so weak… A shiver rippled through her as a sudden chill found her. “You must be tired still.” He said to her, smoothing back her long, blonde ringlets and sending another shiver throughout her- this one having nothing to do with temperature. She felt the soft cotton of his shirt against her neck as he spoke again.

     “You need to rest. You’ve had quite the ordeal.” She wanted to ask what had happened, who she was, and why she couldn't remember anything, but she couldn't get her mouth to open. A sudden image of hard plastic flashed through her brain, quick and sharp as an arrow, and she cringed, body jolting.

    “Hey, hey…” He scooted backward a little on the bed, leaning against the headboard and settling her head against his shoulder. “It’s okay, shhh… you’re safe here. I’ve got you.” She nodded, relaxing as the image passed and a blanket, smelling of chamomile and lavender, was pulled over the two of them. She let her head slip down, face resting in the crook of his neck. His skin was warm and inviting, and he smelled faintly of fresh air and trees.

    He stroked her hair, humming softly as sleep and a respite from her questions, stole her away again. 


    i HaVe A pLaN!!!!!

  3. 4 hours ago, Hyper129 said:

    I'm male but I want to learn the Stormlight Women's Script or some glyphs. Are there any good sources for this kind of thing?

    Hello! I just saw this! here is as good a place as I've found :) 

  4. 19 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    No Liz today, but here's something else. I think it turned out really beautiful, I hope you guys enjoy it.

    And I promise you all today. Whatever you are going through, whatever secret aches you have inside you, there is hope. I promise you. Hold on. Please, please hold on. Even if it doesn't seem as if you can take even one more breath, try. Just try one. And if you can't do anything but survive tonight, that's why we have tomorrow. The sun rises. You can remember how to laugh. There is always someone on your side. Always. I love you guys so much, and if you need me, ever, I'm here. 

    This is Love:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Matt’s smile was as gentle and warm as a worn blanket when he opened the door. Upon seeing her, it faded into something far more serious, but no less loving. “Sera?”

    She opened her mouth, but found herself without words. She looked at him desperately.

    “Okay,” he said quickly. “It’s okay. Come in.” She did, and he led her into his small kitchen. His guitar was leaned haphazardly against a cabinet, and the table was littered with papers that proudly displayed his messy scrawl. Rather than sitting in a chair, Sera opted to fold herself into an empty corner on the floor. Matt didn’t comment, only handed her a pillow.

    Sera took a long breath. Then another. On her third, she started shaking. After her fourth, she whispered, “w-w-w-will you p-p-play f-for me? O-or talk. Or s-s-sing. O-or b-b-both. I–I n-n-n-n-need–” She flinched back from her own words, pressing back into the corner as if she could melt into the walls.

    Matt smiled kindly, and again, the world seemed the tiniest bit less frightening. “It starts with a chord,” he murmured, picking up his guitar. “At least, it does for me.” He strummed once, the strings almost dancing beneath his fingers. “I’ll just be playing something, and then I hit the right chord, and it calls to me. So I play it again and again. I write it, and it grows.” He plucked out a melody, beautiful for its unfamiliarity. “Sometimes it wants words. Sometimes it can’t bear them. Sometimes that first chord isn’t even there in the finished product.” He fell silent for a moment, letting the music continue his story.

    Sera tried to keep breathing. She was pulled so tight, her arms wrapped around her torso as if to still her pounding heart. She couldn’t loosen her muscles. If she did, there would be cracks in her armor. If she did, something would sneak into those cracks. And her heart was too fragile for that just then.

    Matt scribbled something onto a page, then kept playing. “A lot of times, I get through all the work of creating it just to find out it’s worth nothing. It isn’t good enough, isn’t new enough, it isn’t something the outside will understand.” He winked, and Sera felt her lower lip tremble. “Those are the songs I learn to keep just for me.” 

    She didn’t know tears could fall so quickly. Or so inexplicably. The harder she tried to think about it, the faster they fell. How warm tears were. You could get burned with that kind of heat. Maybe, Sera mused, the heat came straight from her heart. It flowed out of her ribcage and boiled all the tears that waited to scald her cheeks. Maybe that was why her face turned so red when she cried. It was the heat. She opened her mouth to explain, and all words fell away.

    Matt smiled at her so sadly that she wanted to hide her face from him. “I’m going to make some hot chocolate,” he said. “Would you like some?” Sera gave him a tiny nod. He set down his guitar and pulled a pair of mugs from a cupboard. “I like it when the songs need words,” he said, easily flowing back into his speech. Though she didn't have the words to say it, Sera was infinitely grateful. “It’s more work, sure. But when they need words, I get to sing.” He set a steaming glass mug on the floor in front of her, then settled down himself. “Careful. It’s hot.”

    He said nothing for nearly a minute as Sera worked up the courage to stretch out her arm and pick it up. It wasn’t nearly as hot as he’d implied. If she could have remembered how to laugh, she would giggled at his folly. She didn’t drink. Just held it, and tried to let the heat flow back into her. All the warmth she'd had inside had dripped out of her eyes. 

    Then Matt started singing. Softly at first, and then louder. He sang in a language she didn’t know. But he felt every word, and through his voice Sera could feel it too. She could feel love. She could feel hope. She could feel safety. And she kept crying, because this was the one place in the world where she could feel such things. 

    “You,” Matt said, “are the first person in the world to hear that song. Do you like it?” Sera nodded vigorously. “Can you talk yet?” He asked quietly. Sera opened her mouth, determined. Then she closed it. Then she opened it again, and closed it, and shook her head. Another tear fell. “That’s okay,” Matt said. “You’re doing wonderfully, Sera. Would you like me to keep singing?” Sera nodded, and so he did. She drank and watched him. His eyes shone with a light that came from nowhere but within. The eyes, Sera reasoned, must be the truest path to the heart. His heart must be glowing. He had one piece of hair that stuck just slightly out of place. Only it wasn’t out of place, because sticking up was where it was meant to be. It was perfect in its imperfection. Once his voice cracked, and Sera felt another tear fall, because his broken heart was too beautiful for her to bear.

    “I’m sorry,” Sera finally whispered. Matt immediately fell silent, looking at her. “I–I know you hate me,” she said. “A-and you don’t have e-enough t-t-time for th-this.”

    Matt nodded once, his eyes on the floor. “I won’t say it’s okay, because it isn’t. But I forgive you, Sera. I forgave you last time, and I forgive you this time, and I’ll forgive you next time.”

    If Sera had had any last tears squirreled away, they would have fallen then. She stayed still and silent for a startlingly long time. Longer than she knew she could. Then, so quietly that she wasn’t even sure she’d said it out loud, a single sentence escaped her. “I never loved him.”

    Matt’s eyes widened. “Sera,” he said. “You don’t need to–”

    “I didn’t,” Sera whispered, and Matt was too kind to dare interrupt her, not when she was barely able to speak. “I never loved him, and I left you, and you hate me, and I’m sorry.”

    Now Matt fell silent. Sera was trembling, but she clenched her fists. There were words she needed to say. Before she couldn’t do it anymore. “I’m trying to forgive you,” he said. “I can’t, not yet, but I will.” Sera swallowed and nodded. Mat met her eyes carefully. “Can you tell me why? I know that maybe you can’t. And that’s okay. But if you can find the words…why did you do it, Sera?”

    Sera blinked away tears that refused to fall. “I…” For a long, long moment, she couldn’t say anything else. Her heart was beating so fast that it rose into her throat and forced back all the words she wanted to say. “I was scared.”

    Matt’s face crumpled. “I never wanted to scare you.”

    “I know.” And those were all the words Sera had, so she said them again. “I know.” And then, “Th-that’s why I was scared. You didn’t w-want to h-hurt me.” Matt didn’t say anything, so once she could speak again, Sera continued. “I was s-s-scared to l-love you. A-and he was f-f-familiar. H-he was everything I thought that love w-was. And I th-thought he l-l-loved me.”

    “Did he?”

    “I don’t know,” Sera whispered. “M-maybe. But h-he’s g-gone now.”

    “I know.” Matt smiled, only he looked as if he wanted to cry. “He’s gone, Sera, and he won’t hurt you ever again.”

    “He won’t love me either,” she whispered. Because she wanted him to love her. She hated herself for it, but she wanted it back. She wanted him to hurt her. She wanted him to hold her. She wanted him to yell at her until she couldn’t remember how to speak for days afterwards. She wanted him to pull her close and kiss her as if that would fix everything. She wanted to believe that he meant it when he told her he would do anything for her. She wanted him, because when he was there she wasn’t alone. “And you hate me,” she said, “and no one will ever love me.” It was as her father had always said. And at the thought of him, she trembled harder. “Why do you let me come here?” She whispered.

    Matt watched her for a long, long moment. “I love you like my own family,” he said. “I love you so much that I can’t help but hate you. I know you, Sera. I know that your eyes turn green when you cry, and I know that you can’t bear for anybody to touch you, and I know that the scar on your cheek came from someone and not something. I know that you were brave enough to leave your family, and that you only stay here because you have nowhere else to go. I know that you’re afraid. And I know that if you disappeared tonight, I would be the only person in the world to notice.” He swallowed, and Sera watched his throat bob. “Of course I hate you, Sera. But I’ve never stopped loving you.”

    Sera had to start counting her breaths, then. One. Her heart didn’t want to slow down. Two. She was so afraid. Three. She didn’t need to be afraid anymore. Four. “I’m sorry. A-and thank you.” She’d spoken so quietly, but Matt had heard. He always heard. 

    “It’s already forgiven,” he said. “And you’re welcome. You’re always welcome here, Sera. But it’s late, now. Do you think you can go home?”

    “I don’t know,” Sera whispered. “I–I can try–”

    Matt pursed his lips, then shook his head. “I have a guest bedroom. Would you like to stay tonight?” Sera nodded once. “Okay. Then let’s get you to bed. You have class tomorrow, right?” Sera nodded again. “Okay.”

    Once she was settled in the room, Sera turned back. “I’ll try harder tomorrow,” she said, quietly but with more determination than she knew she had left. “I’ll try harder. I-I can’t promise anything for tonight. There are too many demons tonight. But tomorrow. I’ll be better tomorrow.”

    Matt smiled. “I know you will. And tomorrow, you’ll do great things. Goodnight, Sera."

    “Goodnight,” she breathed. 

    He left, and Sera fell to her knees. Her tears had long dried up, but she felt her breath coming quicker as she opened her mouth and started to pray. She couldn’t find it in her to believe in a god, not the way that Matt did. But, she whispered, to whoever’s up there. If you’re there…

    Help him.

    Help him find someone better than me. Help him, because I don’t remember how to thank him. Help him, because he is the closest thing to an angel this terrible world has ever seen. Help him, be you a god or gods or something else entirely. Help him. And if I can make it through tonight, then kill me so that I can stop hurting him. 

    If there’s a heaven, make sure you save him your finest room.

    If there’s a hell, don’t tell him, because he’ll find a way to turn the worst demons into angels. 

    Help him.

    Because I can’t.

    And no one else will.




    thank you for writing.

    *much hugs*

  5. Falling


    Warm, smooth skin, pressed against hers. A sense of safety. A blurry form, hovering in her vision, seemingly just out of reach. Small flashes of pain, soon wiped out by the smoky tendrils pulling her back into the drugged twilight. 

    Low voices, murmuring in the background. Faint beeping and clicking, coming from all around. Cold, yet dry fog, filling and deflating her lungs, tasting of stale air and chemicals. 

    But always, someone close beside her, warm, alive skin against her icey, pale body. Whispered words and hummed lullabies, always just out of her grasp. An overwhelming sense of longing, wishing to be free from the cords binding her arms, holding them down. The panic when she couldn’t move and when she couldn’t feel anything. When she was so cold she thought she’d die, when her skin was pierced with invisible needles, when she wanted to scream, yet couldn’t. Someone was always there. He was always there. 

    She didn’t remember his name, only got blurry snatches of his worried face, but always, his touch was there. Oh, how she wished she was free to climb into his arms. Free to lay her head on his chest, be held by him… 

    Try as she would, she couldn’t leave her drowsy half-lucid state. 


    She drove back her numbness enough to see his face slightly. Strong jaw, firm lips, eyes beautiful, yet so deeply troubled. He spoke and she felt the words float around her head, caress her ears, and send shivers down her spine. His hand came up, brushing a lock of hair off her face. 

    She leaned her head into his fingers, though she could move only centimeters. She stifled a whimper as the movement sent pain rippling through her body. His hand cupped her cheek, fingers swirling over her skin and lighting a fire in her chest. His mouth moved and she heard words, but couldn’t understand them. His brow creased in worry, his face coming nearer to her own.

     She could feel the weight trying to drag her under again and she fought to resist it, wanting- no needing more time with him. She struggled with her consciousness, breath quickening. She moved her mouth, lips connecting with cold plastic. Her eyes widened as a memory came floating from nowhere. 

    She could see it, could see them. They had forced her into this room, shooting her with something that sent fire through her veins and ice to her throat. The yelling, the plastic jammed between her teeth, the repeated jabbing of needles. The fiery pain. Always the pain. 

    She was hyperventilating now, struggling against the cords that held her in place. He stood, hand leaving her face. He shouted something and another figure appeared, holding a large syringe aloft. She tried to scream but choked, breath coming in cold, sterile gasps. He looked at her, laying a gentle hand on her chest. His eyes were sincere. She… she wanted to obey him. She stopped struggling as something was rammed into her thigh and the grey fog returned. 

    She felt so cold… wishing she could see him again, wishing for those eyes, that hand… she couldn't feel her body anymore. She was weightless, floating away from her body. She felt her breath crystalize in the cold, the ice entering her lungs, freezing her from the inside out. Ice covered her eyelids, her numb fingers, every part of her, inside and out.

    Then, everything faded completely black. And she knew no more.



  6. 1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:


    "if it is the labrynth then we could get all the way to la with no fear of the time!" jace said thoughtfully. "or we could abandon roy into it."


    Oh yeah! It was so fun!!! :D 


  7. 8 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:


    Oh that's sad, actually. Dang.

    It's a struggle of life. We all have them.







    SEE YOU IN 24

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