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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Will you swear you won't hurt yourself or leave while I'm gone?" Rex asked, concern furrowing her brow.
  2. "She's dead. No pulse, not breathing, body cold and stiff. As a doctor, I'm telling you, She's gone now. She likely felt no pain...." Rex trailed off, blocking the memories from her mind, trying to rub away her headache.
  3. "We still need to bury her... will you do it yourself?"
  4. "Can we bury her? Can I help?" Rex wiped away one of his tears.
  5. Rex looked at him, concern plain on her face. "Daniel?"
  6. "That's not what I...." Rex looked at him, placing a cool hand on his forehead, feeling for a fever. "Are you feeling sick?" She eyed him closely.
  7. "It's not your fault! It's mine! If I hadn't stopped to have a life-crisis, we would have gotten here sooner and I could have saved her! You may not kill yourself! I won't allow it!" Rex kept a tight grip on his hand.
  8. Rex walked to him, grabbing his hand and placing it against the corpse's neck. "There's no pulse. She's gone. I... I couldn't save her." Rex winced at a pain starting in her head. "I'm sorry." Rex shut her eyes against the tears dripping down her face.
  9. "That makes it worse." Rex walked over to the body and covered the face with a small strip of cloth. "We should bury her..." @Lightweaver2
  10. "I... I don't know. Did you love her?" Rex asked softly, looking over at the body.
  11. Rex was silent, but stepped back and gave him his space.
  12. "I..." Ash didn't know what to say. She wobbled on her feet slightly, her eyes drooping in exhaustion.
  13. Ash growled, but stopped looking at him angrily. "Storm you, bastard!"
  14. "Cinder also said that we were bad for each other, She's been wrong before...." Rex walked over to him, handing him a clean handkerchief and sitting down next to him. "I know it hurts... I've..." She trailed off, wincing and shaking her head.
  15. "Looks like... Poison?" Rex shook her head, looking at Daniel with tears in her eyes. "She's gone... I'm... I'm sorry."
  16. "Let me see her." Rex gently guided Daniel out of the way, kneeling beside the corpse. She felt for a pulse and, finding none, looked the body over. @The Aspiring Archivist
  17. Ash stopped, digging her heels into the floor looking scared. She quickly masked the feeling, glaring at him instead. "And if I'm not "tough"? If I can't "Handle it"? What then?" A dangerous glint entered her eyes and and stepped away from him, backing down the hallway.
  18. Rex stood, shocked, then ran over to Daniel.
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