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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "No!" Rex repeated. wrapping her arms around his neck and hiding her face in his shoulder.
  2. "No!" She yelped, jumping back as if she'd been burned.
  3. what happens if you do this? @Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Yellow Sock @Ookla the Yellow Sock
  4. Rex watched the back and forth with interest, trying to remember what they were talking about. She couldn't think straight. the pain in her head saw to that. She stumbled slightly.
  5. *disagrees with your dis-disagreement* *pours on more rep*
  6. "Thank you." she said quietly. It's obvious that she is still shaken from her hospital visit.
  7. Rex walks with them, trying not to lean against him too much.
  8. Rex nodded, stepping onto the stone. She leaned against him for support.
  9. "out! Finally! what do we do now?" Rex asked, very excited to be out.
  10. "Thank you!" Rex tried to scramble out of bed.
  11. @Roosif ~ Cute, foxy, kind, modest, sweet, the person everyone wishes was their little sister. and, victim of my rep-bombing XD
  12. "But.... I can't. Not again! Please! Get me out!" Rex began to sob.
  13. "But....I Can't. I'll be alone." She sniffed, wiping at her eyes, which were starting to tear up.
  14. hehe It was only me. I needed it. I've been doing a lot of crying lately, so it wasn't all your fault
  15. "Please. Get me out. I hate places like this." She looked around and shuddered.
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