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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. It's AMAZING! AMAZING THINGS OFTEN BRING PEOPLE TO TEARS! OK? IF YOU THINK OTHER WISE ...... (not a threat, what do you mean?)
  2. Nononononononononono no! Don't read that wrong! I'm at a place where crying is good. They were.... important tears. I needed them! tears are healthy! they release good hormones when you cry. That's why they make you feel better Emotion is GOOD! Ok? And you are GOOD at writing it! YES!
  3. Thank you


    Thank you.

    Thank you for the hugs.

    The tears.

    The well wishes.

    The “get better soon”s 

    The thoughts.

    The memes.

    The stories.


    Thank you for letting me know.

    That you care.

    About my existence.

    About me.

    And whatever is happening in my world.


    Thank you for checking in .

    Thank you for caring.

    Thank you for making me smile.

    Thank you for making me cry.

    Thank you for making me laugh.

    Thank you for relating to me.

    Thank you for sticking by me. (sorry @Edema Rue for the pun :P) *hehe* 

    Thank you for PMing me.

    Thank you for RPing with me. 

    Thank you for talking to me.

    Thank you for leaving your family to come watch Frozen on the couch.

    Thank you for loving me, even though I’m far from perfect.

    Thank you for showing that love.

    Thank you for being my shardbuddie.

    Thank you for reading my writing.

    Thank you for commenting on my artwork.

    Thank you for making sure I'm ok.

    Thank you for letting me vent.

    Thank you for just being available

    Thank you for being there for me.

    Thank you for the phone calls.

    Thank you for the FaceTimes.

    Thank you for letting me express myself.

    Thank you for being ok with me dumping my problems.

    Thank you for helping me sort through them.

    Thank you for the times when I'm not ok, and you care.

    Thank you for giving me hope.

    Thank you for telling me the truth, even when it's hard.

    Thank you for catching me.

    Thank you for holding my heart.

    Thank you for holding my emotions.

    Thank you for praying with me.

    Thank you for helping. 


    Thank you.

    Thank you.

    Thank you!







  4. Hai! How r you? *pokes with finger bc the writing stick and do such things*
  6. "Humph! Imagine that! Someone actually telling the truth!" Ash rolled her eyes and sat in the chair again. "If you are telling the truth, might as well tell all of it." She feigned indifference. @Part Of The Narrative
  7. Ash cocked her head looking at him curiously. "You're a good liar. Most of e'm can't lie that good...." She trailed off, seeming to ignore the other question.
  8. "What happened?" She squeezed his hand.
  9. Ash glared at him. She reached out to grab her knife, but her hand closed on empty air. "Where's my storming knife? Why should I tell you anything?" @Ookla the Wierdo
  10. "... Daniel? Where am I? Why does my head hurt?" She sounded distressed. her hand felt around on the bed.
  11. She squinted. "Wh... Who?....."
  12. She moaned softly, eyelashes fluttering.
  13. Idk! Does It? Welcome to Luna's interesting questions... answered!
  14. Rex winced at the pain pounding in her head. "I..." She gulped and the room started to spin. She coughed again. "Daniel!" she gasped, before slipping from consciousness again. @Lightweaver2
  15. Rex tried to focus her eyes. "Where am I? What happened?" She coughed, stars dancing in her swimming vision.
  16. Rex spasmed, gasping. Her eyes snapped open. She was in a white room. She heard a small cry of shock from the corner of the room.
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