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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex was left, sobbing on the pavement, a small trickle of blood running down her face.
  2. "Noooooo!" Rex screamed, tugging at her hair. She smacked herself in the forehead with the rock in her hand, sobbing. @Aeoryi @Lightweaver2
  3. Rex tried to shove the image away, picturing something- anything else.
  4. Rex sat on the ground, humming to herself, completely oblivious.
  5. "Yes!" Jacin grabbed Xenk, turned him upside down, and shook him till all the stuff fell out of his pockets.
  6. Rex wasn't paying attention. she found an interesting rock on the ground and was rolling it around in her fingers, a few tears still slipping down her cheeks.
  7. "No! It wasn't ' just a little' it was a lot- too much. We are going to solve this. Hand it over, and any other spirits or substances you have on you, before I pick you up and shake you upside down to find them myself!" Jacin stepped closer to Xenk.
  8. "No, I will not! You can't be older than... what, eighteen? Your still a kid! I'm helping you save your damn hide! you should thank me." Jacin blocks Xenk's way, crossing his arms over his chest.
  9. Jacin collared the shorter man, "Now see here. I did not save you, just so you could go get drunk again! This behavior is unacceptable. hand it over!"
  10. "I..." Rex thought hard for a moment. "I don't remember any such man... Should I?" she asked, puzzled.
  11. "Who?" Rex asked, not looking up.
  12. *gratefully accepts all hugs and gives some to whoever needs some*
  13. A tear slipped down Rex's face, as she thought.
  14. Hi everyone. I'm in need of hugs and caring people. Today was rough. :((
  15. Rex dropped her hands into her lap, and sat motionless.
  16. Rex winced. "Can I help you with that? I'm a doctor. let me help! Please." she tried to get a better look.
  17. "Daniel...." Rex took a deep breath and continued. "It's ok. You can feel your feelings. they can't hurt you." She took the liberty of wiping away his tear.
  18. "Sit down, please." Rex said gently, sitting and patting the ground next to her, "Here." she said, handing him a handkerchief.
  19. "You don't sound fine." Rex murmured.
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