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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Will you let me look at your jaw? Please?" Rex asked, frowning slightly.
  2. oh!

    I'm at 1000 posts.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yup especially when one explodes :P

      SE also helps some but not as much as RP :P

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I’ve almost caught you Wizzle 😈 

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yeah cuz we do the same RPs and we're RPing with each other and you do more than me :P

  3. "Nice to meet you, Daniel." Rex put her hand down.
  4. Rex rolled her eyes. Men and their pain tolerance... "Cinder?" she thought for a moment. "Oh! Cinder! Yes. do you know where she's gone? I can't remember...." Rex trailed off, brow scrunching in concentration. She brightened shortly after. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Rex." She held out her hand.
  5. "Where would you like to look?" Rex looked at the man carefully, placing a hand on the bruise growing on his jaw. "Are you alright? I hit you kinda hard...."
  6. "Oops! Sorry! Reflexes! Are you OK? Who's Julie?" Rex scrambled to her feet, raking a hand through her tangled shoulder-length hair.
  7. Rex sat up, automatically throwing a right hook the the person's jaw. @Lightweaver2
  8. I don't like Kit Kats. Or Jolly Ranchers Or A N Y G R A P E F L A V O R E D A N Y T H I N G !!!!!!!!!!
  9. @The Aspiring Archivist Rex continued to sleep on the ground.
  10. Jacin glares at Xenk. "No alcohol for you!" He grabs it and smashes it on the floor.
  11. Rex kept her eyes closed, a sense of fatigue draping over her. She slept.
  12. "No." She whispered, voice hoarse.
  13. Rex sighed, curling into a sad little ball,her head on the ground, shutting her eyes against the tears.
  14. "And THAT'S SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT BETTER!?!?!" Rex was nearly in hysterics, her anger at the stranger overwhelming. She made as if to jump forward and stab him.
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