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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. My favorite hoodie when I get it back from loaning it to my best friend and it smells like her. Looking at the sunrise and knowing you survived another day. The smell of fresh cut grass on a cool summer morning. When I acquire a piece of chocolate and it's delicious. When my friends give me hugs unexpectedly. My weighted blanked named Bob.
  2. Empty skies, forsaken words, last chance
  3. She shook the blurryness from her eyes. "G-good t-thing w-we don't have a d-deadline." She smiled lopsidedly. "W-we can m-make it-t together." She let him support her a bit more and started limping back toward the gate of the waterpark.
  4. "What if you're not strong enough?" She whispered weakly.
  5. *dies*



    Where'd you find it??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      *le gesp*

      Stick… I’m so offended… the Star Wars photo…


      I’m kidding lol

      I totally agree that this is fantastic


    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Bro, I literally showed this to my friends earlier and we all died laughing. 😂

      You did good.

    4. Cataclysm



      Bro, I literally showed this to my friends earlier and we all died laughing. 😂

      You did good.

      That makes me very happy 😂

  6. "HIII!!! WHO ARE YOU!?" She grins massively.
  7. "I g-got it." She muttered, motioning weakly over one shoulder to where it was strapped to her back. "W-we should g-get b-back to the others-" She buckled slightly, still trying to hold most of her weight but struggling from pain and fatigue.
  8. Off for the night!

    Love you guys!



    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      GOOD LUCK!!!

    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      *wishes luck*

      *also gives bottle of luck*

      *also also gives lucky rabbit's foot*

    3. Silver Phantom
  9. @Cataclysm If you want to survive, I'd advise against taking the cookie... strongly *cough* spikes *cough* Edit: Welcome!
  10. Ashton ignores them, feeling numb and in shock.
  11. "I... um... I t-think s-so..." She leans against him slightly, not wanting to burden him with her weight.
  12. Vasha jumps out of her closet. " OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS- I FORGOT THIS EXISTED!!!! HIHIHIHIHI!!!" She runs up to everyone, giving them all awkward hugs and tripping over her feet multiple times.
  13. She grabs his hand, grateful for the help. The net closes behind them. "T-that w-was c-close." Ashton mutters, obviously shaken up. Her leg just above her knee is bleeding quite a bit, and the cut on her calf less so. She's physically shaking and seems on the verge of tears. She might fall over, as she's unsteady.
  14. *hugs* I definitely know how that is. Love ya, Dude! PMs are open
  15. Ducks.

    *nods sagely*

    1. The cheeseman
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Ah man, I miss Silho...

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Aww, me too…his emails are good though.

  16. Ashton is falling behind, but she doesn't tell him. "Keep going Lucid! You're almost there!" One of the spiders catches up with her and stabs the back of her calf. "Ow!" She shrieked, kicking the thing off. @Wierdo
  17. She bites her lip, holding in her cry of pain, and climbs after him.
  18. "I'm-" She panted, trying to go faster but unable to because of her leg, "Good-"
  19. "Lucid!" Ashton called over her shoulder. "I'm going to try and re-wire the net! Can you cover my back?" Ashton dropped the sword, jumped from the boat, and ran over to one of the (statues...?), climbing it. She hurriedly opened up a hidden panel, casting glances back at Lucid in the boat while she fiddled with the wires. One part of the net flickered briefly and Ashton pulled out her knife, holding it between her teeth while she tried to find the right wire. (assuming the spiders bite-) A spider jumped onto her leg, scurrying up towards her head. She tried to shake the thing off as it bit her. Ashton yelped in pain, the knife falling from her teeth and gashing her leg. She shook tears from her eyes, ripping several of the wires out. "We should have five minutes before the net comes back on!" She shouted, jumping off the statue and limping towards Lucid as fast as she could. She pointed upwards at the net. "Do you need help climbing?" @Wierdo @Scars of Hathsin
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