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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. NO CONTEXT IS ALLOWED Yeah, well, you already hate me, so what's the point?
  2. Rex gasped, scrambling back along the cobblestones, jerking out her knife.
  3. I claim ownership from @Lunamor because Ash told me to.
  5. @Ookla the Resolute~ Hater of bacon, eggs, frogs, sharders, and 268.04 million Americans
  6. I claim ownership from @Lunamor on the grounds that she hunts too many bot to make good soup!
  7. I claim ownership because I make better soup than @Lunamor
  8. "What will you do with it?" Rex sniffed, eyes hardening
  9. "But.... what does that have to do with anything?" Rex asked, bewildered.
  10. No! "What for?" Rex asked, apprehension clear on her face.
  11. "Who are you?" Rex managed to choke out, a tear falling from her eye to land on the man's shirt. I didn't even know his name... Rex gripped her knife tightly, glaring at the stranger.
  12. Rex slumped over, her forehead nearly touching the man's chest. She checked for a pulse again and found none. He's really gone, then.... just like that. Another life gone. Another person I couldn't save.
  13. I am a nice person. Just ask @Part Of The Narrative She knows me Irl.
  14. Rex held the stitches together firmly, watching the man struggle.
  15. Rex laid him down on the ground, working quickly. she checked his pulse, it was rapid and weak. He's going to pass out! She grabbed her canteen and a small white pill from her satchel. she forced the pill down his throat, waiting for the sedative to kick in. A minute is all it takes... She repeated to herself.
  16. ..................................................
  17. "It's true, is what is is. I try to see the best in people. It's part of who I am.... Did you have a name?" Rex asked, suddenly embarrassed.
  18. "Well.... I don't think you are a demon." Rex stopped for a moment, resting.
  19. So.. you hate 268.04 million Americans who like bacon.
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