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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Should I really?" Jacin frowned slightly.
  2. Ash shook slightly, quivering. she felt.... cold? Where am I? She cracked her eye open, glancing around herself. she was on a balcony, overlooking the (whatever she is overlooking). She started. There was a man on the balcony with her, looking at her curiously. "Who are you!" Ash growled, glaring at him.
  3. Girly!

    *feels bad*

    Yesterday was the mark of you being on an entire month!

    I MISSED IT! :( 




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Just-A-Stick
    3. Part Of The Narrative

      Part Of The Narrative


      I'm good real happy doing great thanks no services are needed really I promise


    4. Just-A-Stick




      are you   s u r e???? 


  4. She coughed and spluttered, before going limp, eyes closed.
  5. Rex nodded at Cinder. "Do we have an alternative?"
  6. "Cinder, do you think you can persuade someone at the university to let us have a room for this man?" Rex placed her hand on the man's shoulder carefully. @Ookla the Abstract @Ookla the Resolute
  7. "you could ask one of the professors. I'm sure they would have some things..." Rex pressed cloth to the wounds, stopping the bleeding.
  8. "I believe so... You could run ahead and see if there can be a room of some sort prepared for him and some medical supplies I don't have on hand at the moment..."
  9. "I'm not sure... not too far."
  10. hehe It's in spirit only He's like the nice older brother I never had And thank you
  11. Rex winced. She turned to Cinder. "We need to get him somewhere safe where I can examine him thoroughly. I think I can probably carry him, if you find a place to keep him for the time being..." @Ookla the Resolute
  12. Rex nodded, swallowing her mounting anxiety.
  13. Rex handed him her canteen and the rag, motioning for him to cough into it. She crouched next to the man on the cobblestones. "I. . . I don't know! I'll try my best."
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