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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Art thou so full of glory, that no Eye

    Hath strength, thy shining Rayes once to behold?

    And is thy splendid Throne erect so high?

    As to approach it, can no earthly mould.

    How full of glory then must thy Creator be?

    Who gave this bright light luster unto thee;

    Admir'd ador'd for ever, be that Majesty.


    ~ A poem by Anne Bradstreet, about the sun.

  2. I smash Elan violently over the head with a sick, not a Stick, and take the sandwich.
  3. "Damn right you will! Why were you attacking us? who sent you?" Jacin eyes the man carefully. over the years, he has developed to skill to know when people are lying.
  4. Ash looks terrified, she covers her head with her arms and quivers slightly, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes and streaking down her face.
  5. She looks at him, breath coming in ragged gasps. Her eyes start darting in all directions, and she whimpers, pointing towards the doorway.
  6. Ash shrieked and scrambled into a different corner at the sudden movement.
  7. Ash peeked around the corner of the door, appearing calmer for the time being. seeing him, she ducked back around the door, pulled some moss out of a pocket and began burning it.
  8. She starred at him, eyes wide before looking at her hand. she smashed the spire into the floor, turned her back on him, wiped the mud off her glove, and resumed making little piles of dust.
  9. Ash watched the water drip. she stuck her finger in it, scooping up the mud and placed it on the glove covering her safehand.
  10. Ash scooted away, making a new pile of dirt, eyeing him warily.
  11. Ash looked at him strangely, her head cocked to one side.
  12. She scrabbled in the dirt with her fingers, brushing it into small piles.
  13. Ash shrieked, scrambling off the bed and pressing herself in the opposite corner of the room from him, crouching on the floor and looking at him with an animalistic terror in her eyes.
  14. Ok, it might not be the popular opinion, but Nightblood? c'mon! he's awesome! i mean, sure, he might be kinda annoying, but he's a SWORD! won't use the utilities and doesn't require anything. Lol
  15. Ash thumped her head against the wall, not hearing the man's words.
  16. "Xenk!" Jacin said, turning to him, "There's some rope on my belt. grab it and tie that man up." Jacin nods toward the man struggling in Xenk's grasp. "Them commere and help me ask this one some... questions..." He trails off dramatically, licking his lips and showing the man his creepiest smile. @Ookla da best @Ookla the foolish
  17. Ash was terrified. She moaned, jerking on her hair.
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