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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I'll let you go when I damn well feel like it!" Jacin shakes the man hard. "First, you'll answer some questions for us." He slams the man against a wall, hands around the man's neck, but not choking him.
  2. Jacin slapped the man in the face till the man stopped crying.
  3. @Ookla the foolish, @Ookla the Resolute
  4. Ash sat on the bed in the room, scrunched down into the corner, muttering to herself. She didn't know where she was. Or how she got there. or what she was doing there. her mind felt thick and slow and a headache pounded in her temples. She was dreadfully thirsty and her heart was racing. The monsters. they've come for you! She tried to squash that voice, telling herself that she was safe. It didn't work. she gasped as a shadow loomed over her. Ash hid her face in the blanket
  5. "Get the other one, Xenk!" Jacin says, nodding to the other man. "Hold him like I am. be careful!" @Ookla da best
  6. Oh holy crap!

    *not a Christmas song*


    Look at my PoStS XD!


    heehee ❤️ 

  7. heehee It's Nightcafe and you may use the picture if you wish *do I get punched to* lemme try again lol if you get Nightcafe, will you make what you imagine me?
  8. Jacin jumps forward and grabs one of them in a choke-hold. "Don't move!" He says coldly to both of them, tightening his grip on the one in is arms, and moving out of the way of a swinging elbow.
  9. gets someone asking what the heck that is. inserts my entire body.
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