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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I grab the other sandwich from Elan and whack him on the head for good measure. @Ookla the Prehistoric
  2. She cannot understand this strange man who is obviously trying to kill her. Ash whimpers again.
  3. Ash doesn't answer. She tugs at her hair again.
  4. Child of light. Whiplash shivered, feeling cold suddenly. Child of light. The whisper came again, more insistent this time. She tried to ignore it. Child of LIGHT. Whiplash cracked open one eye, seeing... nothing. No one was in the cave with her. What? CHILD OF LIGHT! "Hello?" Her voice sounded small, dry, weary. You. Know. What. Must. Be. Done. Whiplash realized the voice was coming from within. She searched her feelings. There. The answer was deep inside her. End it! The voice whispered. It can all go away... one moment is all it takes... Whiplash wiped at a tear rolling down her face and tightened her grip on the knife in her hand. She drew it across the tip of one finger, writing in blood on the wall: "In the shadows, we find our light. In the echoes, our voices remain. Let the winds carry tales of resilience, and may the stones bear witness to a soul unbroken. In this final breath, I etch my spirit upon these walls – a testament to the enduring strength of the human heart. As dust returns to dust, let my legacy linger in the spaces between these words, an indomitable whisper against the currents of time." She took a deep breath and placed a bloody hand-print alongside the writing. Then, Whiplash turned the knife on herself and plunged it into her breast. "Ka Lā Hiki Ola" She whispered, before shutting her eyes for the last time. So died Lokia Nana, daughter of the Sky.
  5. Murder Puppy tosses The Whisper the sandwich and wrestles Red to the ground.
  6. Alex eyed her curiously. "I can shut up, if you like..." He pulled a small book out of a pocket and began to read. @Ookla the Yellow Sock
  7. I...I'm looking for him... why would he kill you? Jacin was confused.
  8. Alexander leaned back, relaxing his posture. " You don't have to impress me. You don't even have to talk to me. But, I'm here to listen if you do." He looked at her kindly, and gave a small smile.
  9. Jacin swore under his breath. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD, CREEPY THING!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT???
  10. has anyone ever had a Sunkist Fruit Gem? The best gummy candy!
  11. Jacin nodded absently and followed him.
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