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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "weeelll," he drawled glancing at her again, "The way I see it.." he paused for a moment before continuing, "You kind of have to stay here, so we might as well make a resemblance of a pleasant or normal conversation."
  2. You're might be older that me, tho. I don't like steak.
  3. He sat next to her, at the opposite end of the bench, though, with several feet of space between them. he cleared his throat. " You don't seem very happy to be here."
  4. Alexander smirks at her, careful not to let the older man see. " Shall we sit?" He asks, motioning to a bench nearby.
  5. Alexander accepts the hand, placing a quick kiss on her knuckles. " It's my pleasure to meet you, Miss Ashcroft." He looks into her face and slips her a wink that the older man cannot see. " it is a lovely day, is it not?"
  6. *offers high five instead* happy post-count! too me and you! lol
  7. Alexander grips the man's hand in a firm handshake, meeting his eyes respectfully. " Mr. (whenever his name is) good to see you again, sir." His voice is deep and resinous, caring across the courtyard with ease.
  8. Alexander straitened and stopped staring at the girl. He waited to see who would speak.






    Let me know which one is better :P 

    (if you are not on the Cytoverse Hunger Games RP, this may not make sense feel free to ask for an explanation)


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hesho is a murder kitty, actually.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      As a murder pupper.

      Also, Hesho is a murder foxy.

    4. Ravenclawjedi42
  10. Alexander took notice of how petite and shy the girl seemed. he found it strangely attractive. I can protect her. make her feel safe. He relished the idea of having someone confide in him. **my italics won't turn off :(***
  11. Ash leaned against the door frame, pulling a bit of firemoss out of a pocket and rubbing it between her fingers. Storm them! won't give me alcohol!
  12. Alexander smoothed his coat nervously, casting a glance at the girl walking into the courtyard. @Ookla the Yellow Sock
  13. Nope! (TRUST ME! IT'S GOOD) No dissing till you've tried it!
  14. Guys! I finally did it!

    I have the art of my RP characters in my about me now! :P 

    YAY! :D 


    you should go look at it :P it's pretty cool

    and I'm very proud of it ❤️ 


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