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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Jacin glanced around the room, noting all the people and decided that he wasn't needed. he walked back out the door. If they need a doctor, they can find me.
  2. Whiplash flew her ship over to one of the forest fragments and landed on the edge of it, jumping out of her ship, leaving the cockpit open and running into the trees. At the center of the fragment, she found a little cave. Whiplash crunched her body into the small space and wept. ALONE! Her mind screamed at her, ALWAYS ALONE. NEVER SAFE. NEVER LOVED. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. Whiplash screamed into the void she was falling into, but nothing slowed her descent. A sudden impression entered her mind. sleep. rest. darkness... you need only end it all. forever you can. rest. sleep. in darkness. The words repeated over and over in her mind, sounding more desirable with each repetition. Hardly thinking, she reached toward her knife, alone in the darkness.
  3. who knows the best way to eat sour patch kids? who wants to know the best way to eat sour patch kids?
  4. Jacin leaned against the counter in a relaxed pose. content to wait. for now.
  5. Jacin strolled into the inn, walking purposefully over to the counter.
  6. me? I ain't wrong, my good sharder, it's lyrics to one of my favorite songs
  7. I wrap the snail in a rag that I conveniently had in my hand and fling it (along with the snail) into an oncoming highstorm that is powered by math.
  8. It's been drug through the mud, runs on dreams an gasoline, an that old highway holds they keyyy,
  9. I reincarnate and steal the sandwich, brushing off the snail.
  10. Captive


    I am captive 

    In your love

    It is strong like nothing else 

    I run to you with my fear 

    My sadness 

    I am not alone 

    Your loving arms

    Hold me tight 

    Like nothing and no one else can

    My hiding place 

    My comfort 

    In you I find my rest

    I belong to you

    When I look to you I cry

    “Abba, Father.”

    And you answer

    I feel your love

    When I can’t feel anything else 

    You are my port in the storm 

    My safe space where I can create 

    Without fear of the brutal world 

    I am protected 

    Your spirit is with me always 

    In my pain 

    In my distress 

    My disappointment 

    You are there

    Making all things new

    And beautiful 


    And quiet 


    Captive in your embrace 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      aww :wub:

      You're welcome! 

      a bit shorter than my normal stuff, but that's ok :P 

      I'm glad you like it! ❤️ 

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo, that's wonderful.

    4. Just-A-Stick
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