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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. heheheheheheheheh ;3 

    I'm watchin Hamilton again :P 

    (and eating a candy cane :D)


    what'r y'all doin??

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Gurl, I feel you! Math was always my worst subject! 😛 

      (my dad is an accountant, so that tastes like sausage) :P 

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      (Eww sausage)

      I should have taken easier classes...

    4. Just-A-Stick


      ( it's only sausage bc that's what irony tastes like :P)

      Yep :P 


  2. Stick sticks in Emu's throat and chokes him. they both die.
  3. *stayed up till 2:30* what day is it? *bleary-eyed smile* blhblhbfhgbkkknr fvkr rjfid jfsfkem/ fheuhncdklndjkefjdkssdfjdkssla *forgets how to type*
  4. @Ookla the Believer @Ookla the Pastry @Ookla the Prehistoric @Ookla the Yellow Sock
  5. *steals the sandwich by any means necessary* I HAS SANDWICH!
  6. I did! I was kinda worried at first, but I had a lot of fun It would've been more fun if other people would've danced with me too!
  7. It was awesome! we danced for a while (not quite as long as I wanted) and ate some yummy food, and played some games and took lots of pictures! (I will not post on here, but you can PM me ) He's a surprisingly good dancer!
  8. I got scared down the stairs one time by my older brother! He put me on crutches or 2 weeks
  9. Oooh! *side eye* Please enlighten me! my older brother (Galadon*) Is besties with Bridgeboy and he doesn't tell me anything!
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