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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Happy 500th post! I hope I have a good time *crosses fingers* worst case scenario, I die, or kill someone be accident
  2. *sings loudly* Beutifuuuuuulllllll!!!!!!!!! (welcome back to the shard of the living *smirk*)
  3. ehhh I wouldn't say that... My mom is currently watching the video she took of us dancing and exclaiming loudly about how cute we are
  4. He's a more.... quiet type of guy lol (if you know me, you might know that i'm NoT ) so I actually asked him, and convinced him, and made him take a dance lesson with me
  5. Teravangian (is that how you spell it) Stormlight Archive
  6. What's your favorite number?

    mine is 222!


    I'm almost there!!!! :D 


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