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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I cut the zipline and snatch the sandwich out of midair
  2. whiplash doges again, trying to keep pressure on Silver at the same time.
  3. OMG GUYS!

    600 posts XD


    *RPs to much*



  4. Hiya everybody!

    I might not be super active over the course of the next few days as far as RPing goes 


    My best friend's younger brother (four months old, he has downs syndrome) is in the hospital, (covid, beginnings of pneumonia, breathing trouble etc.)

    And i'm trying to be available as much as possible for her and her family, who I love dearly.

    I have some mental heath things I've been dealing with lately,

    as well as the whole Christmas thing :P 

    and schoolwork, family issues, relationship issues, and a bunch of other stuff going on.

    If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me, or if you just want to talk or something.

    Thanks for reading ❤️

      - Captain Toothpick


    Mental heath update:


    *steals this idea from Shortcake*

    Guys, I went to the doctor last week, filled out a little papery thing-a-storm and apparently have Moderately Severe Depression, whatever that means.

    that wasn't great news, as you might be able to guess... so, they put me on fluoxetine, and I'm getting used to that... 

    my anxiety levels have gone down a fair amount, so that's nice i guess...


    still kinda stressed about stuff... (i don't even know what tho)

    *sigh* I'm tired and crap... 😛 

    how're y'all?


    If anyone needs anything, or wants to chat, PM me :P 

    1. shortcake




      tell your friend and their younger brother and the rest of their family and friends (and you!) that you're all in my prayers. I hope he feels better soon. and I've been struggling in school recently, too, so I (sort of) know how you feel. let me know if you need help with anything.:)


      it's good that you're getting some medication to help with the depression stuff! My PMs are always open ❤️


  5. Whiplash keeps firing. @Lord Ookla the -3rd
  6. Whiplash catches the asteroid with her own lighlance, changing the trajectory, and launching it away. She gets nearer, continuing to shoot destructior fire at Silver.
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