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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I don't like peanut butter but, back to candy! what is y'all's opinion on any Haribo (gummy candy specific brand only) gummies?
  2. Ok! *insert purple devil emoji* Spoiler: nasty and might keep you from ever eating chocolate again *ruins chocolate forever*
  3. Ash continued to sleep, stirring occasionally, and more than once placing a hand on her knife.
  4. I'm currently reading The Final Empire for the very first time. And I just finished Lunar Chronicles Highly recommended.
  5. Shardcat brings sandwich to me and I run away laughing madly
  6. Whiplash fired, red destructor fire blazing from her guns and she hit Hurricane's shield again and again. @Ati16
  7. Whiplash took a deep breath, finger hovering over the trigger.
  8. I just realized! 550 posts! 

    hehe :P 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    3. Just-A-Stick


      yeahhhh :P 

      I promise i do have a real life... just not a very fun one 😛 

    4. Just-A-Stick


      Ok. I'll admit it. I spend too much time on my computer and post too much.

      no regarts! :P 

  9. " I..." Whiplash stopped. Her mind was in a turmoil and she didn't know what she was saying. " You kill. It is necessary. There is no alternative. We are weak, so we kill. We die. Inside and out. blood and death and destruction. that is life. Life is death." Whiplash could make no sense of what she was saying anymore. Her mind felt numb and she made ready to shoot Hurricane out of the sky. @Ati16
  10. Guys. I'm sorry, but i'm so lost. I do not compute with talks of magic systems and rules. It's like me trying to understand math! I want the romance! someone tell me what to do pleeeze!
  11. *hacks the machine and asks for ALL the memes*
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