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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. you guys are amusing YES! RUIN SKITTLES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZ
  2. skittles are what my older brother used to give me. except... they were always half melted and dirty. The same thing with jolly ranchers actually, that and a few times I broke my braces (back when I had them) (I had to pay for repairs) on jolly ranchers and, they made me sick a few times.
  3. they taste awful though! Like.... something you would find stuck to the bottom of your shoe after walking through a big city!
  4. Starbursts are n a s t y I have never had one. what is it? Left twix or right twix? (both are kinda boring )
  5. Whiplash watched in shock as Nova turned her ship and sped toward Twig. She wanted to call out a warning, but it was too late. the radio opened and Whiplash found herself saying words. " Don't try it. It's one in a million shot, kid. I'll give Merp your love." Then, it was all over in a blinding flash and explosion of fire and debris.
  6. have you ever had the cookie filled M&Ms? mmm they're so good!
  7. And that's when Whiplash shot the ship.
  8. Whiplash was ready. she shot carefully, taking a shot that any good sniper would be proud of. A direct hit.
  9. Whiplash opened a line to Sliver's ship also. " wanna help us kill the Merpy kid?" she asked
  10. Whiplash nodded to herself. " I can do that. can you get close enough?"
  11. Ok. Starting off controversial here. Please come debate with me and tell your friends. o=={::::::::::::::::::::> <::::::::::::::::::::}==o (maybe someone can turn it into something cooler eventually) (this is my 500th post!)
  12. Whiplash opened a line to Twig. " You wanna be my wingmate? honor system to make sure you don't shoot me? We can totally take this kid, and the whole Merpy thingy with her. you in?" @Ookla the Wayfarer
  13. whiplash dodged easily, giving Nova a rude gesture while steering with one hand.
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