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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Whiplash joined Twig and started shooting Nova
  2. Whiplash began firing on Red's ship @Ookla the Erased
  3. Ash finally takes a bite of her soup, swallowing without chewing.
  4. Whiplash tailed after Red's ship, falling in behind him to get a good shot. @Ookla the Erased
  5. Ash sighed and picked up the spoon, but did not eat. she stirred the soup, lost in thought.
  6. Ash sat up gasping, her eyes focusing and taking in her surroundings. she was lying on the floor, a few of the customers gathered around her. She swore softly, automatically reaching for her knife. It wasn't in her belt, but was on the floor a few feet away. she grasped it and tucked it back in her belt before accepting an offered hand and pulling herself to her feet. She was surprised to find that she no longer felt drunk, and she swore again. Of all the storming work I have to do! She looked down, surveying the bloodied rip in her pant leg and the unbroken skin underneath. " That was a stupid mistake." she said, in an attempt to clear the crowd. she cleared her throat and shot a few glares at the patrons who were still hovering, scaring them away. Ash rubbed her temples with one hand before sitting back at the bar and placing her head in her hands. "Might I have another glass of white?" she asked, not looking up.
  7. Ash took back the knife, but fumbled with it, dropping it point first. It sliced a deep gash down the outside of her calf and through her trousers. As she watched the blood spill from the wound, her mind went blank and she passed out.
  8. " I can take care of the inspector if you need me to." She reached down and tugged the knife from her belt and slammed it point-first into the bar. " Maybe I do drink too much, I figure I got a good reason. If you're drunk, you don't have to care anymore." She wasn't quite aware of what she was saying and her mind felt nice and fuzzy, like she could sink into it and never come out. "Aye, that's the best part. you get to fade and no one cares. and you can keep going and everything will disappear. forever. That's what happened to my pa, brother too." She raked a hand over her eyes, squinting back at Lunamor. "I'm glad there's no one left to care."
  9. Whiplash decided to join the Anti-Merp-League. " I'll join." she growled, "Just point me to the people I can kill before I kill you!" She chuckled a dark and mirthless chuckle.
  10. Ash glanced at him. " that's quite a big glass you have there, friend," Her words were slightly slurred and her vision was beginning to go blurry. " What's the trouble?" @Lunamor
  11. Ash sipped her drink as her mind slowly went numb. She embraced it willingly, sometimes, it was better not to feel.
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