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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Yes, We love killing all of those pacifists who want peace!" - @Lord Ookla the -3rd
  2. Whiplash hesitated. " does that mean we kill the ferret to? or can we spare the ferret and kill everyone else?"
  3. Whiplash responded after a minute, " Do I get to kill people if I join?" She growled, staying out of range from everyone.
  4. Ash relaxed. things seemed to have calmed down for the time being. She drank more White.
  5. Ash turned and glared at the man who was yelling, placing a hand over her knife and eyeing him up and down. I can take this guy if need be.
  6. Oh WOW! I love it! (i like creepy things sometimes) Well done!
  7. Whiplash flew towards Nova and the whole group with the silly ferret. @Canada Lover
  8. Whiplash looked around for someone to kill.
  9. Ash shook her head. she had never bothered to learn to read other languages.
  10. So, At my sleepover on Tuesday night, I watched Hamilton for the first time.

    ( minor spoilers for Hamilton)


    IT IS LITERALLY AMAZING AND I WANT TO WATCH IT AGAIN ALREADY! I adore all the Jefferson/Lafayette parts and I cried when Philip died, but still loved it. 

    I'm excited to watch it with my mom and hopefully make her love it. Why on Roshar don't they do this with more history??? like, I can memorize dates of stuff so much easier now that all my thoughts have been replaced with lyrics! :P  I still can't pick a favorite song or character, because I love them all so much! The fact that Lafayette pretty much always acts like he's a bit tipsy is hilarious and adds a lot to his character in my opinion :P 


    It will probably be the highlight of my week, as I have some... unpleasant things coming (math tutoring :() (doctors apt :(

    But, I loved it! ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      heyyyy listennnn

      I never had the chance! I have done... extensive research on it, and spent like.... 36 hours listening to the soundtrack and can pretty much sing all of it, but I never watched it. except now i did. YAY!

      I'm at the place where I will randomly spout a quote and my fam will look at me like I have 6  heads XD.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hehehehehe been there done that...at this point most anything anyone says triggers a musical theatre song in my brain.

    4. Just-A-Stick
  11. Whiplash flew away from the carnage, trying not to think about what she had just done.
  12. "Horneater White. But Lunamor claims he must serve it himself." Ash said to the waiter
  13. Whiplash dove into a rolling twin scissor and came up behind another ship, falling on their tail. "may stars keep you." she whispered as she opened fire. The ship exploded in a burst of light that left sun spots across her vision. A tear slipped out of the corner of her eye as she felt the soul depart. "A Hui Hou." She whispered the farewell of her ancestors as she flew away. @Ookla the Resolute @Ookla the Believer
  14. Whiplash shot (Aeo's character). and killed them.
  15. Whiplash rolled her eyes. Who does that? Fires destructors randomly? Waste of fire power if you ask me... She easily evaded the red bolts of energy, getting closer all the time.
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