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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. whiplash flies in from behind a cloud bank and starts firing at (whoever's ship is somewhere)
  2. *blushes* Thank you! I didn't think I would even place!
  3. *extra birthday hugs* I can definitely relate with these sentiments
  4. Ash finished off her White, relishing the buzzing sensation in her gut that hid the memories for the time being. she called over the new waiter. and asked for another round. @Ookla the Name-Stolen
  5. Sorry everyone! I was at a sleepover and didn't bring my computer. I have returned now, though :P 

    So, HI! how is everyone? I'm ok, kinda tired, but ok.

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I'm okay, we just got two new doggos to watch today which is nice :)

  6. It went good. most of our interaction was me napping on the couch while everyone was busy XD. we didn't talk a whole lot, but he was still as charming as ever
  7. I am losing myself in my RP characters. Clearly a Shallan reference. (stormlight)
  8. " nice to meet you, Lunamor, and thank you." she sat back, trailing her finger idly around the rim of her glass before taking another sip, savoring the fiery drink.
  9. "Ash." She said, taking another tiny sip.
  10. Ash took the small shot glass and sipped at it appreciatively. "good stuff, this."
  11. Ash dipped her head in a slight nod and found a seat to wait.
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