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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I have waited for like.... 28 hours! that is longer than one minute!!!! WHAT IS YOU TRYIN TO TELL ME GURL???
  2. Whiplash circled over the fragments, getting a birds eye view of everything. She could see a few other ships in the air, and could hear radio chatter on the general lines.
  3. Okay! I have to go get ready for my party ;) I hope I win the costume contest, however unlikely.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick
    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Congratulations, what did you go as?

    4. Just-A-Stick


      I went as Alexander Hamilton Of course! :) :) 

      And thank you!

  4. Whiplash jumped into the cockpit, not bothering with pre-flight checks and fires it up. grabbing her control sphere, she shoots into the air, unsure of where to go next. @SmilingPanda19
  5. Whiplash jumped and closed her hands around the manual release lever of the ship, jerking it hard and opening the cockpit.
  6. Whiplash raced over to Nova and threw herself over the edge of the chasm. the icy wind whipped at her face making her eyes water. She landed hard on her shoulder on the other side, rolling to her feet and sprinting to the ship, breathing hard.
  7. Whiplash stopped in her tracks. A cracking sound came from ahead of her and she could see that the ice was unsteady. She skirted in a wide loop, still moving slowly and carefully, around Jock and Nova. she stopped at the far side and turned around Should I help them? She looked on in surprise as Junior rushed past her and toward the ships at the far side. She shrugged Not the way I would have done it... Whiplash couldn't decide if she should help Jock and Nova or not.
  8. Umm... I think you are funny. @Ancient Elantrian Elan the Endless Entertainer
  9. Whiplash walks slowly out on the ice, placing each step carefully and listening before putting her full weight on it. She tries her best to catch up with the others. I need a partner! As her confidence grows, she moves a little quicker, but is still behind Jock. @SmilingPanda19
  10. 300 posts!!!!


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      How come YOU get a brain???


      I want one of those! do they actually work???

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Only about 1% of the time dear sticketh, only 1% :P

    4. Just-A-Stick



      Although, I'm sure that 1% might contribute something...

      or not... who knows :P 

  11. When she stepped through the doors of the mess hall and hurriedly grabbed a plate of food. @Edema Rue
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