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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. okay! got it! @The Wandering Wizard Master Poet Lord of Hugs Nice Person
  2. @The Wandering Wizard .... words can't describe. wow. Shatter Me. wow. you have a GIFT! and to think that the master poet himself read mine!! *blushes self consciously*
  3. okay. good points. Umm can't think of any titles... *sadness*
  4. I wrote a poem last night and wanted to put it on here.


    When Life Falls Apart


    Won't ever



    So much suffering is on earth.

    We try

    To make the best of it;

    Fix our circumstances,

    But we fail. Fall.


    A deep, dark pit 

    Yawns before us.

    At the bottom,

    There is no light,

    No upward path.

    Just memories, sorrow, pain.

    Regrets, choices, ghosts.

    The way we act

    When life falls apart.


    It leaves wounds.

    We bleed.

       Our souls die.

          No Hope.


    And yet.

    There is still Hope.

    Somewhere in the darkness.

    Huddled, like a child;



    Afraid of what was lost.

    Afraid of what could be found.

    Afraid of Life.

    Afraid of Death.

    Afraid to dream again.

    To start over.

    To build up.


    But we know we must.


    Start over.

       Adopt Hope.

         Begin living again.


    Fight our way.

    Out of the dark.

    The hole.

    The emptiness.


    Others help us climb.

    Through the pain.

    The misery.


    And when we stumble, 

    They help with our burdens.


    We build again.

    Build strength.




    We grow our hope,

    In our hearts.


    As we get closer,

    To the light,

    Hope spreads;

    Vining outward.

    Ever upward.

    To the light.
    To peace.

    To living again.


    We take the pieces of our lives;

    Once scattered,

    Across the barren wastelands 

    Of  despair.

    And put them back together.

    Little by little.

    Until the pain is gone.







    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      They were awesome, just a different kind of awesome, y’know? Like Shatter Me has really beautiful language and is a little less messy than some of the more recent ones, but the emotion in them is so strong that the messiness helps it rather than hurts it.

      …that was a horrible description sorry.

    3. Just-A-Stick
    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      No it's a beautiful description Eddie ❤️

  5. there is, but it's on blow us all away, and i don't love that song.... they did all the ones before it... *sadness*
  6. Scud! whiplash looked at her screen, and at the two ships who had their sights on her. she rolled, getting slammed with g-forces. black pulsed in the corners of her vision. "Phantom 7 , callsign Whiplash Requesting wingmate! Coordinates: *random coordinates* two ships tailing... need help!" she flipped off her radio, flinging into a triple backwards loop.
  7. an I'm never gonna stop till I make em' drop, burn em' up and scatter the remain, Ah!
  8. I'm takin this horse by the reins, making red coats redder with bloodstains!
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