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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. can I question myself on here??? hmmm.... Q: Stick, why did you stay up so late? A: Umm... bc we had people to talk too? Q: why are you asking yourself questions? A: bc there is nothing else to do and I'm out of inspo for all my stories Q: Why didn't you eat breakfast? A: Breakfast is beneath my IQ.
  2. “By now, it is probably very late at night, and you have stayed up to read this book when you should have gone to sleep. If this is the case, then I commend you for falling into my trap. It is a writer's greatest pleasure to hear that someone was kept up until the unholy hours of the morning reading one of his books. It goes back to authors being terrible people who delight in the suffering of others. Plus, we get a kickback from the caffeine industry...”
     Brandon Sanderson, Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Yes! perfect! you have a book?

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      working on book(s)?


      finished a book?



    4. Just-A-Stick
  3. *yawn* Math is the worst. sleep is the worst people who don't ask questions are the worst.... I'm the worst?
  4. I'm gonna do it! @Edema Rue, @The Sibling, @Silver Phantom, @The Wandering Wizard, @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, and WitIsTheBest.

    I am gonna ATTEMPT to sleep. 🤪

    it is 4:00am right now....

    ha, i have to wake up in an hour.... *regretting life decisions*

    good morning! 🙃

  5. Ha! Like my family would let me! I'm too pretty! i'd be surprise adopted kidnapped before getting 5 miles!
  6. ehhh. PA is farrrrr from Utah.... *sadness* *yawning loudly* NO ONE CAN MAKE ME GO TO SLEEP!!!! *Laughs hysterically*
  7. I might be unemployed..... but i am stronger than all my friends so....
  8. Nahhhh, of course not! it's not like it's healthy or anything....
  9. *yawning, refusing to be tired* uhhh depends if you're hanging upside down or not *giggles helplessly*
  10. but.... but.... but... but.... that would mean SLEEP! Scary! 112!
  11. what? What is this thing? Sleep? WhAt???? *refusing to believe that it's 1:16 am*
  12. To be alone is power. To be lonely is pain. I saw this poem the other day: Hide contents Your calling is going to crush you. If you are called to mend the brokenhearted, you are going to wrestle with a broken heart. lI you are called to heal God's little ones, you are going to experience your own share of trauma. If you're called to preach and teach the gospel, you WILL be sifted for the wisdom that anoints your message. If you are called to empower, your self-esteem will be attacked- your successes hard fought. Your calling will come with spiritual warfare and a sifting - BOTH are necessary for your mantle to be authentic, humble and powerful. Your crushing won't be easy because your assignment is not easy - and you can't minister POWERFULLY what you haven't walked out. Read that sentence again. When you're feeling the weight of it coming down on you, RUN to the Father who longs to be your comfort. Let him whisper your true identity over you while resting under the shadow of his wings. Position yourself against his heartbeat. Let him renew your strength and set your eyes forward. No olives, no oil. No grapes, no wine. Your oil is not cheap my friend. Author: Hannah Williamson I accept the pain. I can survive it. Still, Somehow, I wish I didn’t need to.
  13. oh man! so many! new favorite is the one @Edema Rue posted earlier @Edema Rue Thanks again for that! for sure what I needed!
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