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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. darn it! I forgot... sorry. today, (It's night for me like 10:00pm) i did a bunch of writing for SandoWriMo... I hung out with shard people... and my cat... tomorrow, I'm not really doing anything I don't think... which is sad... but I mean... whatever. umm. I'll probably try to draw something... like painspren or something. what about you?
  2. Lokia was genuinely puzzled at the actions of Nova. Nova seemed like, well, not a jerk! that surprised her. Lokia dipped her chin in a kindo of half nod. coming from Lokia, this was quite an honor. it was often hard to earn her respect. this is FUN!
  3. Lokia fell into line behind the others, shooting one last death glare in Obsidian Flight's direction.
  4. I think I need some Len backstory... I'm intrigued! what's his deal??
  5. Lokia wasn't quite sure what to do with Len. the fool was casually running his hand through his hair, completely ignoring her! Her hand itched to grab her knife and end him. but no, then she would get kicked out of the DDF. she would be a quitter. Lokia could never live that down... " Leave the filth alone." It was her flightleader. " You don't want to catch the disease." Lokia nodded, trying to get a grip on the storm of emotions inside her.
  6. @Edema Rue oops.. you wanna edit or should I?
  7. Lokia stood, heart pounding, blood rushing in her ears at the thing which she had just done. You idiot! shoving a flightleader?! what were you thinking??
  8. like... a bar fight? idk, i'm just shovin people
  9. Lokia caught their flightleader as he stumbled backward before falling to the floor, groaning. Hardly thinking, Lokia leapt across the room and shoved Len in the back, balling her hands into fists again.
  10. I'm like the only one in my co-op who actually likes it *smirk*
  11. She looked at all the people in the room. Everyone looked angry or uncomfortable. Lokia figured that she wasn't the only one feeling claustrophobic.
  12. but... the flightleader is... interesting... *Smirk*
  13. *Tense music* Lokia watched the standoff. she was concerned. down in igneous, you didn't usually see how flawed the DDF really was. but this was real life. nothing was perfect. her of all people would, and did know this.
  14. Lokia watched the tension in the room rise... It seemed almost like a tangible force. she clenched her hands into fists. if things escalated, she was ready to come in swinging...
  15. ahh I see. Lokia turned to Nova, who was standing beside her and gave them a small nod. they're obviously one of the good ones...
  16. Lokia saw that one of the girls, Alera, was standing behind their flightleader. she stood up, staying close to the wall and walked over to stand beside her.
  17. Lokia took an immediate disliking to the flightleader of Obsidian flight. Len... what garbage... the worst kind too. deep cavern garbage...
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