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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. as she watched all the others argue and all the mass chaos that came with it, Lokia could not help but feel superior to everyone else. Just then, the old kitsen jerked awake. Oh great! she thought sarcastically, the sims again? she sighed, rubbing at her eyes. the truth was, she could always use more time in those scudding simulators.
  2. because, phantom is superior I actually don't know... my character seemed like a phantom to me...
  3. well, my garden is rather dead now... late fall in PA... but I had zucchini, squash, carrots, onions, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers and some dreams that died with some of my baby plants. xD I was on guns and ships
  4. Lokia kept eyes on everyone in the room, gathering intel which she would write down later. She was mostly unnoticed, and she liked to keep it that way.
  5. Lokia was content to observe for now... you could learn a lot from watching people; their faces, body movements, and the undertones they carried in their words and actions. she fingered at the small knife stuck in her belt. just in case...
  6. 1. yes it is, I love that discussion 2. I mean things less... academic like: if the ocean a soup bc it has meat, vegetables and salt? is cereal a soup? is a hotdog a taco? 3. I like outside and inside stuff... like gardening! 4. I don't really ever watch marvel... i like Star wars though... 5. I am a huge nerd about Hamilton... currently listening to the soundtrack... 6. I love asian food and mexican food and... well... food. 7. I want to be able to use a sword... even if it's not exactly practical... 8. I'm seriously considering making my own havah bc it's awesome and i want one... fav candy? fav sport? fav non brandon book?
  7. Lokia sat in the back, watching the standoff between two of the other cadets. she smirked, some people these days... can hardly wait to fight, even if it's their allies... she didn't understand why the instructor didn't step in and fix things.
  8. Lokia sat down, deciding to ignore the comment thrown at her back.
  9. Lokia spun on her heel and let loose with her most ferocious glare, before turning back to the (instructor?) man at the front of the room, saluting and finding an empty chair in the very back row.
  10. I have no experience with roleplaying, so here it goes! Lokia sauntered into the class room and stood at attention. " Flight number three hundred and fifty eight, sir! Callsign Whiplash."
  11. I find myself bored fairly often. Anyone else? I'm open to talk about anything and everything. a list of random stuff to discuss: 1. Candy 2. classification of weird things 3. hobbies 4. movies 5. Hamilton 6. restaurants 7. skills you wish you had 8. cosplay this is all I could think of for now... anyone have something to add?
  12. these are not questions i am thinking...
  13. you should watch Hamilton... Q: how much truth would a Truthwatcher watch if a Truthwatcher could watch truth? Q: what color is a mirror? Q: how ancient of an elantrian are you? Q: tell me about spleens?
  14. incorrect Hamilton quote:

    Laurens: But what do I have to offer?

    Hamilton: Don't talk about yourself that way.

    Laurens: Come on guys, what do I bring to the table?

    Hamilton: That's easy man. you're the cute one.

    Laurens: What?

    Hamilton: That's right. Look. I'm the hot one, Lafayette's the silly one, Mulligan's the cool one, and you're the cute one.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Burr: You're so dramatic.

      Jefferson (holding a crystal wine glass, throwing rose petals, dressed in fancy purple velvet, draped across a piano): I have no idea what you're talking about!

    3. SmilingPanda19


      Angelica: *sipping tea* Eyes up Hamilton.

      Eliza: *singing and daydreaming while brushing her hair* -Disney princess music-


      Hamilton: Hey, you get a line :) 

      Peggy: AND PEGGY IS ALL YOU GOT?!?!

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hehe it’s addicting…

  15. would answer if i knew what this was
  16. hmm. I'd have to say... a black A is an eight.
  17. Umm I don't know any, but they sound cool!
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