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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I do! I love all of them!!! ...are you submitting an application..?
  2. The Bigger Person

    I think it’s time
    For a change, don’t you?
    I’ve been taking for
    Too long.
    It’s time for me to give.
    Can I be the person
    For you
    That you were
    For me?
    Can I be your
    Shoulder to cry on?
    Person to talk to?
    A safe place?
    I want to care for you
    The way you showed me.
    If that means being the
    Bigger person,
    The mamma,
    I don’t mind.
    On the contrary-
    I want that chance.
    To not think about myself
    For once.
    Because maybe
    I was made
    To help.
    If I can’t help myself,
    So be it.
    If I can help you,
    Hold you,
    Care for you,
    Will you give
    Me that chance?
    I understand,
    Trusting is hard.
    It can hurt.
    But healing is a cost.
    It can be painful.
    But in the end, isn’t it
    Worth the pain?
    You don’t have
    To say yes.
    Things can stay how
    They are, and maybe
    Continue to
    Get better.
    But, my mindset has
    I’m going to try
    And be the bigger person
    Not all the time-
    Nobody can keep that
    Up forever.
    They weren’t meant to.
    Life is a burden.
    There are joys in
    The world,
    And also sorrows.
    Both to numerous
    To count.
    But everyone still
    Needs that older
    My life is a book.
    Sorrow is spread across
    Joy is in the margins.
    It’s small, yet still there.
    This book of my life
    Is held and balanced
    By many hands.
    Your hands are there.
    My family’s.
    Other friends.
    The point is,
    Everyone has people
    Helping to hold
    Their book.
    Their life.
    I myself
    Am helping to hold
    Many books.
    The more I hold,
    The better I learn to hold
    My own book.
    The bigger my impact is.
    I want to change
    The world.
    Will you let me
    Hold a part of your book?
    A part of who you
    Really are?
    ~ Stick 5-10-24
    1. WhyEverNot_8


      NOOOO I’VE RUN OUT OF REPUTATION!! *mournful sigh*

      This is amazing!


      Lemme know if you need anything

    2. Just-A-Stick
  3. Yes. 278. Brag about how good at murder you are and show photographic evidence
  4. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
  5. That's cool! I have 2 kittens asleep on my lap rn
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