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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Facepalm: Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes. Insanity: I'LL WASH THE WALLS RED WITH YOUR BLOOD. Facepalm: 'Kay, but before that, wash the dishes, also use soap this time? Edema: So what’s for dinner? Stick, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret. Facepalm: Do you take constructive criticism? Stick: I only take cash or credit. Insanity: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Facepalm: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Insanity: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God. Edema: You have to apologize to Insanity Stick: Fine. Stick: 'Unstorm you' or whatever. Facepalm: While I’m gone, Stick, you’re in charge. Stick: Yes!!! Facepalm, whispering: Edema, you’re secretly in charge. Edema: Obviously. Stick: Facepalm, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Facepalm: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Stick: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Insanity. Stick: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Facepalm: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Stick: Yes! Insanity: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you. Stick: I told Insanity their ears flush when they lie. Facepalm: Why? Stick: Look. Stick: Hey Insanity! Do you love us? Insanity, covering their ears: No. Facepalm: OML this is SO fun!
  2. Facepalm, banging on door: Wizard! open up! Wizard: Well, it all started when I was a kid... Insanity: No, they meant- shortcake: let them finish. Facepalm: Can you keep a secret? Stick: Do you know anything about my life? Facepalm: No, I do not. Good point. thx, @Szeth's Facepalm @shortcake@InfiniteInsanity @The Wandering Wizard, and @Just-A-Stick( or stick, i don't realy care)
  3. what this is i am wonderzing. @Szeth's Facepalm name cool yourz iss... wings and dings and purple thingsssss * away walks on upside down handyzz*
  4. I almost alwayssss stay up too late, then wonder why i'm tired when i wake up at 5:00am... and after I stay up wayyy to late Then I Can't fall asleep... FUNN!
  5. Is @Mistrunner still active? *Blushes and hides under table*
  6. sry, new at this. and yes, that is a no to joining. but thanks for the invite.
  7. Ooh, what is this? fellow insomniacs? who spend WAY to much time on the computer at night??? what is the discussion?
  8. Calling all Willshapers! I noticed there was no group for Willshapers. that was sad bc I am of this order. I hope to find others. I AM A STICK! Just-A-Stick- Callsign: Whiplash
  9. Wow! I so belong here. I have social anxiety, depression, am in therapy, but not on meds *yet* Life kinda sucks right now... anyways, I have friends but they don't quite understand on the level i sometimes wish they did... My depression definitely manifests like... emptiness? idk, I just can't get up or do things and end up staring at my wall for hours on end. I'm trying to work through it but it's definitely hard. I tend to have trouble remembering things and have weird dreams of finding my family members one by one and they are all dead. no wonder I have trouble sleeping... maybe if I can ever solve these then I will come back and maybe my experience will hep some one else.
  11. I have friends who do this to the stories I write all the time! I do not belong here. Fare thee well.
  12. I definitely fall ( plummet to my death more like) into this category. I find it SO hard to make new friends... but the ones I have I love! Oftentimes, if I have to be in a social situation i bring a book along and sit in the corner. ( the bigger the book the better cause than I feel smarter than everyone lol) If you ever see me, look for the person with their nose permanently stuck in a Brandon Sanderson novel
  13. to many hobbies to ever write down and super lazy so I ain't gonna try.
  14. Vasha stepped through the large wooden doors and into a large stone hallway. She threw the hood off her cloak and wiped the rain from her face. She took a step and her shoes squeaked loudly. Vasha winced as a blush creeped up her face. but she had to move forward. She walked quickly across the room, tripping over her own feet no less than 10 times. she had heard of this place. and all the legendary awkwardness of it all. when she finally made it to the large throne on the other side of the room, she quickly cleared her throat and mumbled. " Books before friends, 17th shard before the real world, release dates before birthdays." She stumbled awkwardly down a side corridor and found a small closet and shut herself inside. * proceeds to sing modified songs from Hamilton at the top of her lungs for the next hour before finally sitting down and reading WoR* "You'll Be Back" (Sung by Odium, to the tune of the song with the same title from Hamilton) You say The feel of my Thrill is a feel that you're throwing away You cry For Evi who you killed thoughtlessly when you fell for a lie Why so sad? Remember your feel of enragement, you made the Rift pay Now you're feeling so mad Remember, despite our estrangement, your my man You'll be back, soon you'll see You'll remember you belong to me You'll be back, time will tell You'll have the Thrill that always served you well Highstorms rise, radiants fall And for you that second one is my fault And when push comes to shove You will lead my fully armed battalions feeling the Thrill that you love! Da li nar Kho lin dat da da da Da lin ar Da da Dal in ar Kho lin! Da li nar Kho lin dat da da da Da lin ar Da da Dal in ar … You say the Thrill is draining and you can't go on There'll be no one complaining when we are one... And yes, I’ll take a champion 'Cause you're my newest champion My sweet, bloodthirsty champion My loyal, roiled champion Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever… You'll be back like before You will fight my fights and win my war For your love, for your rage You’ll feel the thrill till your dying days When it’s gone, you go mad So don't throw away this thing we had 'Cause when push comes to shove You will kill your friends and family to refind the thrill you love Da li nar Kho lin dat da da da Da lin ar Da da Dal in ar Kho lin! Da li nar Kho lin dat da da da Da lin ar Da da Dal — Everybody! Da li nar Kho lin dat da da da Da lin ar Da da Dal in ar Kho lin! Da li nar Kho lin dat da da da Da lin ar Da da Dal in ar! Can I join? Credit to whoever came up with the song.
  15. hmmm why do I feel as though I should be apart of this noble gathering?
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