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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. @The Sibling Aww thank you! I love your username to!
  2. Hello everyone I am relatively new to the Cosmere... and all of Brandon's other works too. I have read: Skyward ( 4-5 times) took one day to read Starsight ( 4-5 times) one day to read Cytonic ( 3 times) one day to read Skyward Flight ( 5 times) two days to read Steelheart ( 1 time) took 2 days Firefight ( 1 time) took 2 days Calamity ( 1 time) three days Elantris ( 5 times) idk how long The Hope of Elantris ( 1 time) half an hour The Way of Kings ( 1 time but planning to reread) finished in under two days Words of Radiance (1 time but planning to reread) finished in under two days Oathbringer ( 1 time but planning to reread) took three days Rhythm of War ( 1 time, finished a few hours ago for sure will reread sometime) took a week and a half bc i couldn't get into it as fast. Now, I have nothing to read and would be open to suggestions.
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