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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. That settles it! You're at least 15 cuz you joined the shard is 2022, I think you're 16 years old. Welcome.
  2. 300 posts!!!

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      😮 indeed! Thanks for telling me! :D

    2. Just-A-Stick
  3. So A: You're too young B: You aren't allowed C:. There aren't any good partners in Texas D:. you're an introvert E: You have trauma or ptsd associated with finding a partner F: You're scared of the gender you're attracted to G: All of the above H: None of the above
  4. "N-not v-very g-good at-t r-reading. D-dyslexic." She said quietly, squeezing back.
  5. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood: PLAGIARIST AND CHUCK!!!!
  6. "I love it when people joke about snapping my neck!" "I love it when my man throws another man across the ground." ~ @Part Of The Narrative
  7. *pulls out a knife* we can find out
  8. I did art today




    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      It's okay Why, I'll give her rep for you. 😋

      *realizes i already did yesterday*

      nvm lol

    3. WhyEverNot_8


      All good, thanks!

      I’ll just give her some tomorrow!

    4. Just-A-Stick
  9. Who are we

    But the nameless?

    The faceless?

    The lost,




    Do we know who we are?

    Do we care to know

    Who we are?


    If we found out,

    Would we be happy?


    Would we just go back to

    The repetitive motion

    Of drawing the knives across taunt skin?


    Of watching red


    From flesh.


    We don't know who we are.

    What we're here for.


    We're going through the motions.

    Just you and I.

    Together, and yet alone

    In this big, empty world.


    Someone to confide in.

    Someone to hurt.

    The thing we live inside,

    Yet hate.


    Is this who we were meant to be?

    This... thing?

    This bloody






    Who are we?

    What is wrong with us?

    What is so undesirable about


    What did we do?

    Did we ever

    Have a purpose?


    We've done things...

    Shameful things.

    We don't regret them...


    But sometimes

    We wish the outcome would have been


    We wish we were different.



    We are different.

    Unlike everyone else.

    Too weird and messed up

    Too dangerous

    A mistake.

    No like the others

    At all.


    So we go on.


    Just existing.

    1. WhyEverNot_8



      ”Nuh uh. You’re no mistake”

      ”Maybe you are different, but is that really a bad thing? I mean have you seen what people are like nowadays?”

      Lemme make a list:


      Stealing stuff from schools

      Road Rage

      Constantly. Storming. Swearing. Dude I know 6th graders (now 8th graders) who literally were swearing worse than drunken sailors because I suck at basketball.

      A lot of other things


  10. you're in my shardbuddie list in my AM! only my adopted and related people go in there! one day maybe you'll get added
  11. "I saw a roly-poly today! It was purple!" ~ @SmilingPanda19's little sister
  12. "HEY blood painting is cute!" ~ @Edema Rue "AHH BLOOD AND WEIRD HANDS" ~ @Ancient Elantrian
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